Aqui, listamos algumas publicações relevantes e outro material que pode interessar tanto ao cibernauta casual como ao investigador sério. É esperado que, com o passar do tempo, a lista se consolide de uma forma abrangente e se constitua um recurso permanente para as pessoas interessadas na história e cultura de Macau e dos Macaenses.

Infelizmente, algumas das publicações só estão disponíveis em Bibliotecas.

Esta biblioteca tem várias secções. Todos os livros estão em inglês, excepto se indicado de outra forma.

Here we list some relevant publications and other material that should interest both the casual and serious researcher. It is hoped that, over time, the list will be built up gradually to be comprehensive and provide a permanent resource for people interested in the history and culture of Macau and of the Macanese.

Unfortunately, some of the publications are out of print and are only available in Libraries.

This library has several sections. All the books are in English unless otherwise indicated.


Índice de temasIndex of topics


Amaral, João Maria Ferreira

Amaral and Mesquita porby HA d'Assumpção. - Polêmico governador de Macau (1845-1849). O seu assassinato conduziu a um período turbulento em que Macau foi seriamente ameaçado.Controversial governor of Macau (1845-1849). His assassination led to a turbulent period when Macau was seriously threatened.

Anglo-Chinese Calendar 1845: Portuguese listed

Anglo-Indian words and phrases

Yule, Sir Henry, Hobson-Jobson: A glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive. New ed. edited by William Crooke, B.A. London: J. Murray, 1903

O Ataque e a Derrota dos Holandeses em Macau, 24 de Junho de 1622 porThe Dutch Attack and Rout at Macau, 24 June 1622 by Correa, J Bosco


Marciano Baptista - Artigo sobre o famoso pintor de Macau porArticle on Macau's famous painter by Joe Baptista

António Alexandrino de Melo, Barão de Cercal porby Padre Manuel Teixeira Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1942 (In Portuguese)

Barretto, Gloria: Gloria Barretto's Hong Kong stories by Jason Wordie, South China Morning Post (A glimpse of the city's history)

Bastos, António Joaquim António Joaquim Bastos by Padre Manuel Teixeira, Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1942 (In Portuguese.)


Wordie, Jason, Colonel who took a secret to the grave South China Morning Post Oct 3 1999

Braga, JM

BragaJMHomemObraJosé Maria Braga - O Homem e Sua Obra Instituto Cultural de Macau, Arquivo Historico Bibliotéca Central 1993 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong) -The Man and his Works. In Portuguese. (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Carvalho, Eddie:

MACAU GRAND PRIX - an interview of Nana Barros about her father Eddie Carvalho


Secret Recipes of Old Macau - Dr. Pitter's Famous Tea and the Long-Forgotten Patrício's Tea

China History

The Chinese Repository Vol III (From May 1834 to April 1835), Canton, Printed for the Proprietors 1835


From Macau through China to India and Burma: Hong Kong Portuguese in the Chindits by Ozorio, Anne In the restricted website her ID number is 30262

Chinnery, George:

Conner, Patrick, George Chinnery, 1744-1852, artist of India and the China coast, Antique Collectors' Club, 1993 - The authoritative study of Chinnery

Hutcheon, Robin, Chinnery: the man and the legend Hong Kong, 1975. - Written by the distinguished editor of the South China Morning Post, this is a more readable and straightforward book than Conner's major study. (There are five copies in Australian libraries.)

Teixeira, Manuel George Chinnery , Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1944 - The noted painter who did much of his work in Macau. In Portuguese.

Club Lusitano (Hong Kong): 150th Celebration. Speech by Anthony Correa

Lusitano History - 150 years of the Lusitano Club in Hong Kong
Covilha, Pero

The Spy Who Never Came Back by Frederic A. "Jim" da Silva - The story of a spy sent by the King of Portugal to Africa

Dia de S. João
Marreiros_Dia_de_S_Joao_1 A plaque by Victor Marreiros celebrating the 400th anniversary of the battle of Macau on 24 June 1622, in which a large invading Dutch army was defeated by a small force of defenders, augmented by local volunteers.

O Ataque e a Derrota dos Holandeses em Macau, 24 de Junho de 1622 por The Dutch Attack and Rout at Macau, 24 June 1622 by Correa, J Bosco


Chan, Catherine S 'Empire' Drifters: The Macanese in British Hong Kong, 1841-1941 PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, July 2019


Três jogos populares de Macau - Chonca, Talu, Bafá < Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1984 - Three popular games of Macau (in Portuguese)

Talu A popular children's game in Macau and Hong Kong


Forjaz, Jorge

Forjaz VolI Familias Macaenses 1st edition (1996) Vols I-III ISBN 972 9440 60-30 (FO) Fundação Oriente Macau, 1996. -The first definitive and epic work on Macanese genealogy, with over 50,000 names. In Portuguese.

Forjaz 2nd Ed. Familias Macaenses Vols I-VI ISBN 978-99965-886-1-7 Albergue SCM e Bambu - Sociedade e Artes Limitada, Macau, Março 2017. - The second edition of the definitive and epic work on Macanese genealogy, with about 65,000 names and thousands photos. In Portuguese.

Luso Descedentes Os Luso-Descendentes da Índia Portuguesa, Vols I-III Fundação Oriente, Lisboa, 2003 - Portuguese families in India, including many of the ancestors of families in Macau. In Portuguese.


Familia LacsonGenealogia da família Lacson nas Filipinas, incluindo os descendentes da macaense Cora Maria Osório Rosa Braga. Em inglês. (Cópia em posse de HA d'Assumpção)Genealogy of the Lacson family in The Phillipines, including the descendants of the Macanese Cora Maria Osório Rosa Braga. In English. (Copy held by HA d'Assumpção)

Grand Prix of Macau — Suzanne Watkinson: Macau Grand Prix — an interview of Nana Barros about her father Eddie Carvalho

Yule, Sir Henry, Hobson-Jobson: A glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive. New ed. edited by William Crooke, B.A. London: J. Murray, 1903

Hong Kong History

From the HK Almanacks [sic] we have extracted a List of Portuguese residents, with their addresses and occupations.

Baptista, Filomeno ("Meno")

Braga, JP , The Portuguese in Hongkong and China: their beginning, settlement and progress during one hundred years, Macau, Fundação Macau, 1998 - First published 1944, revised by Barnabas HM Koo, University of Macau, 2013 ISBN 978-99965-1-037-3IMG. This important book, only half completed at the time of the author's death, throws much light on the early history of the Macanese community in Hong Kong.

Chan, Catherine S 'Empire' Drifters: The Macanese in British Hong Kong, 1841-1941 PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, July 2019

Club Lusitano: 150th Celebration. Speech by Anthony Correa

Endacott, GB, History of Hong Kong.

This standard history was first published in 1958, and re-issued in 1995 with four new chapters. It is now very dated, but no other general history of Hong Kong has so far been written to supersede it. There is occasional reference to the Portuguese community.

Gosano, Eddie Hong Kong Farewell

England, Greg (Publ.) Special Limited Edition 1977 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Read Extract

Hoe, Susanna, The Private Life of Old Hong Kong. Western Women in the British Colony 1841-1941 Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 1995

Foundation of the suburb of Ho Man Tin by Frank Soares
Interview of his grandson Frank Correa

Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps: List of Portuguese members of the HKVDC

The Sorry Treatment of our War Heroes by Anthony Correa

The Happy Valley Race Course Fire of 1918 - The disastrous fire which killed at least 9 Macanese. by Xavier, Roy Eric

La Salle College, 1932-2007 byHuang, M

Hong Kong Legislative and Executive Councils by Jason Wordie The Past Master

The Little Flower Club Diamond Jubilee 1927-1987

Club Lusitano: 150 Years of History 1866-2016

Chan, Catherine S 'Empire' Drifters: The Macanese in British Hong Kong, 1841-1941 PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, July 2019

Maryknoll Convent School

Plague: An Unexampled Calamity, by Stuart Braga - The terrible plague that ravaged Hong Kong in 1894

Portuguese in Hong Kong

Braga, JP: The Portuguese in Hongkong and China

Who are the true citizens? by H Ingrams

Chan, Catherine S 'Empire' Drifters: The Macanese in British Hong Kong, 1841-1941 PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, July 2019

Club Lusitano: 150th Celebration. Speech by President Patrick Rozario

de Sa, Luis Andrade, Portugueses em Hong Kong Fundação Oriente : Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1999. In Portuguese. - The Portuguese in Hong Kong An English translation of this important book has been made by Alberto Guterres, but is yet unpublished.

Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong : an illustrated history, volume 1: 2007, volume 2: 2010 Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses and Instituto Internacional de Macau - These important books do much to record and celebrate the people who over several generations came from Macau to make a new life in the nearby British colony.

Hyndman, Eddie: by Isabella Palmer     Website dedicated to Eddie Hyndman


Teixeira, Pe. Manuel, The Japanese in Macau ISBN 972-35-0095-7, Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1990 - Nos séculos XVI e XVII, os japoneses cristãos encontraram em Macau uma casa no exílio e deixaram a sua marca na arquitectura e nas obras de arte desta cidade. Conseguiu uma fusão admirável de duas culturas - o do Oriente e do Ocidente. São-nos fornecidos detalhes sobre estas obras e a sua história, bem como sobre os japoneses que viveram e morreram em Macau. (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)In the 16th and 17th centuries, Christian Japanese found, in Macau, a home in exile and they left their mark on the architecture and art works of this city. It achieved an admirable fusion of two cultures - that of East and West. We are given details about these works and their history as well about the Japanese who lived and died in Macau. (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong. In English)

Omura Manuscript (Ancient Japanese documents on Portuguese missions to Japan)


Três jogos populares de Macau - Chonca, Talu, Bafá - Three popular games of Macau - Chonca, Talu and Bafá. In Portuguese, Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1984

Talu Um jogo infantil popular em Macau e Hong KongA popular children's game in Macau and Hong Kong


Familia Lacson Genealogy of the Lacson family in The Phillipines, including the descendants of the Macanese Cora Maria Osório Rosa Braga. In English.

La Salle College, Hong KongSons of La Salle Everyone : a History of La Salle College and Primary School, 1932-2007 by M Huang, Hong Kong, La Salle College Old Boys' Association, 2007. - In its early years, La Salle's students were mainly Macanese boys. This recent history is superbly illustrated and presented.

The Little Flower Club Diamond Jubilee 1927-1987

The Fighting Lorchas of Macau by Correa, J Bosco

Macanese people:

We Macanese

Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, Diaspora Macaense to California Associação Promotora da Instrução dos Macaenses, ISBN 978-99937-995-0-4, 2009

Koo, Bernard In search of a better world: a social history of the Macaenses in China MA Honours Thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2000

Rangel, Alexandra Sofia Filhos da Terra - A comunidade Macaense, Ontem e HojePeres-Soctip - Indústrias Gráficas, SA ISBN: 978-972-95722-7-2

Teixeira, Pe. Manuel, Galeria de Macaenses Ilustres do Século XIX Imprensa Nacional Macau, 1942. - Gallery of Illustrious Macanese of the 19th Century. In Portuguese


Ball, J Dyer Macao the Holy City, The Gem of the Orient Earth, China Baptist Publication Service, 1905. -A brief, well-written account of Macau at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Barbeiro, Augusto de Souza, Cadastro das Vias e Outros Lugares Públicos de Cidade de Macau 1925 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)- Streets and other public places in Macau. In Portuguese (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Boxer, CR:

Fidalgos in the Far East, 1550-1770. Fact and Fancy in the History of Macao Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, Netherlands, 1948 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)eng

Four Centuries of Portuguese Expansion, 1415-1825

Portuguese Conquest and Commerce, 1500-1750

The Portuguese seaborne empire, 1415-1825

Portuguese Society in the Tropics

Seventeenth Century Macao in Contemporary Documents and Illustrations, Heinemann (Asia) Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore 1984 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Braga, Stuart:

By the Skin of its Teeth - British attempt to take over Macau in 1809

Monte Fort - The old fort in Macau

The Great Typhoon of 1874 - The typhoon that devastated Macau

Guia - fortress, chapel and lighthouse - History of Macau's landmark

Portas do Cerco The Border Gate - The history of the gate between Macau and China

Braga, Stuart, The Governor from Hell - Account of D. Sebastião Lobo da Silveira, a tyrannical governor of Macau

Surrender, or we'll flatten Macau - British attempt to take over Macau in 1802

Trials and Tribulations

Delivered From The Jaws Of Death article on Penha Church in Macau

Cannon, Melania Dawn Experience, Memory and the Construction of the Past: Remembering Macau 1941-1945 Master of Arts Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, Aug 2001

Coates, A

Macao and the British,Oxford University Press, 1988, reprinted, Hong Kong University Press, 2009. This book began as a set of lectures at the Instituto Português in Hong Kong in 1952-53. Austin Coates, who knew Macau very well, deals with British policy in China and their influence in Macau from 1637 to 1842.

A Macao Narrative, Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd. Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur 1978, reprinted, Hong Kong University Press, 2009. (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)A short and very readable history. Coates retraces the discovery of the sea route to the Far East and the subsequent foundation of Macao as a Portuguese enclave in 1557. The last chapter, Macao's finest hour, tells the story of Macao's role in World War II as a haven of refuge for many thousands. (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Diocese: Teixeira, Pe. Manuel, Macau e Sua Diocese Macau Vol II Bispos e Governadores do Bispado de Macau Imprensa Nacional 1940 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong) - Macau and her Diocese Vol II Bishops and Governors of the Bishopric of Macau. In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Guillen-Nunez, Cesar, Macau   Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1984. - A brief and well-illustrated introduction to the history of Macau in fewer than 70 pages.

Guimarães e Freitas, José de Aquino Memoria sobre Macao Coimbra, na Real Imprensa da Universidade, 1828. - Memoirs of an Aritillery officer stationed in Macau between 1815 and 1822. In Portuguese.

Album Macau - People, Places and Experiences ISBN 972 9418 02 0, Livros do Oriente Macau, 1990 - A collection of historical photographs. In Portuguese and English

Album Macau 1844-1974 Fundacão Oriente, 1990 - A collection of historical photographs. Published in Portuguese and English versions

Album Macau - Memória da Cidade (Glimpses of the Past) Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo, Livros do Oriente, Macau - A collection of historical photographs. Published in Portuguese and English

Guia - fortress, chapel and lighthouse by Stuart Braga - History of Macau's landmark

Ljungstedt, Andrew, An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China First published James Munroe & Co, Boston: 1836 - Ljungstedt, who had lived in Macau for several years, wrote with insight about this unique city, and was not blind to its faults.

Macao the Holy City, The Gem of the Orient Earth by J Dyer Ball, China Baptist Publication Service, 1905. -A brief, well-written account of Macau at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Machado, Leonor Sá Lesser Known Historical Stories of Macau Macau Style, 7 July 2020

Manso, Maria de Deus Beites Escravatura, concubinagem e casamento em Macau: séculos XVI-XVIII (Slavery, concubinage and marriage in Macau: 16th-18th centuries. In Portuguese) – Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Maria de Deus Beites Manso

CA Montalto de Jesus, Historic Macao Hong Kong, Kelly & Walsh, 1902; 2nd edn, Salesian Press, Macao, 1926, repr. Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1984. - This book is now available on-line as a Google book; click to see it. A warmly sympathetic view of Macau. It still reads well after so many years.

Mulheres: Escravatura, concubinagem e casamento em Macau: séculos XVI-XVIII (Slavery, concubinage and marriage in Macau: 16th-18th centuries. In Portuguese) – Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Maria de Deus Beites Manso

Postais Antigos Macau by João M Loureiro (Macau Antique Postcards)

Portas do Cerco The Border Gate by Stuart Braga

Rocha Vieira, Vasco Todos os portos as que cheguei Dec 2010 Pedro Vieira/Grapa Publicações, S.A. - An important book by the last Portuguese Governor of Macau. There are several chapters on Macau.

Baptista, Filomeno The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)

de Seabra, Leonor Diaz

S. Paulo by HA d'Assumpção

Streets and other public places:

Cadastro das Vias e Outros Lugares Públicos de Cidade de Macau 1925 by Augusto de Souza Barbeiro. (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)In Portuguese. Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Toponemia1 Toponemia2 Toponímia de Macau Vol I & II Imprensa Nacional Macau, 1979. (History of place-names in Macau. In Portuguese)

Tambling, Jeremy and Lo, Louis, Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque Hong Kong University Press, 2009 - An intelligent book that goes well beyond the tourist brochures. It does not only deal with the old monuments.

Teixeira, Manuel:

Templo Chinês da Barra Má-Kok-Miu, by (The Barra Chinese Temple)

Toponímia de Macau (Place-names in Macau, in Portuguese)

Macau e Sua Diocese Macau Vol II Bispos e Governadores do Bispado de Macau Imprensa Nacional 1940 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)- Macau and her Diocese Vol II Bishops and Governors of the Bishopric of Macau. In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Templo Chinês da Barra Má-Kok-Miu, by Padre Manuel Teixeira (The Barra Chinese Temple)

Watkinson, Suzanne: Macau Grand Prix — — an interview of Nana Barros about her father Eddie Carvalho

Women: (Slavery, concubinage and marriage in Macau: 16th-18th centuries. In Portuguese) – Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Maria de Deus Beites Manso

Wordie, Jason Macao: People and Places, Past and Present Angsana Ltd, Hong Kong 2013

Maryknoll Convent School history

António Alexandrino de Melo, Barão de Cercal by Padre Manuel Teixeira Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1942. In Portuguese

Mesquita, Vicente Nicolau: When Macau was seriously threatened with attack in 1849, Mesquita led a small and heavily outnumbered party which captured and demolished the fort of Mak Shan Lan and saved Macau.

d'Assumpção, HA Amaral and Mesquita - Article, in English

Teixeira, Pe. Manuel, Vicente Nicolau de Mesquita Tipografia Soi Sang Macau, 1958. - Biography of Mesquita. In Portuguese

Mulheres: Escravatura, concubinagem e casamento em Macau: séculos XVI-XVIII (Slavery, concubinage and marriage in Macau: 16th-18th centuries. In Portuguese) – Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Maria de Deus Beites Manso

Nolasco da Silva:

Grills, Peter Família Ribeiro Pirion Digital, Fyshwick, ACT ISBN 978 1 74027 488 3, 2008 - Biography of the Ribeiro and Nolasco da Silva families. In English

Teixeira, Manuel Pedro Nolasco da Silva Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1942. In Portuguese

Olympics article in South China Morning Post, 4 Aug 2016, mentioning Frandisco "Sonny" Monteiro

Omura Manuscript Ancient Japanese documents relating to Portuguese missions to Japan in the 16th and 17th Centuries (translated into English).

Padre Manuel Teixeira autor desconhecido, acredita-se ser o Padre Manuel Teixeira Seis sacos de terra portuguesa - Um conto de patriotismo
Padre Manuel Teixeira author unknown, believed to be Padre Manuel Teixeira Six Sacks of Portuguese Soil - A tale of patriotism
PatuáPatois of Macau

Batalha, Graciete Nogueira

Lingua di Macau -- O que Foi e o que É Imprensa Nacional de Macau 1974. In Portuguese

Glossério do Dialecto Macaense - Notas Linguístas, Etnográficas e Folclóricas , Instituto Cultural de Macau 1988 Edição de Fundacão; Coimbra: Instituto de Estudos Românicos, 1977 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong) - Glossary of the Macanese Dialect. The early definitive record of the Macanese dialect. In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Suplemento ao glossério do dialecto macaense: novas notas linguísticas, etnográficas e folclóricas - Supplement to glossary of the Macanese dialect. Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1988. In Portuguese

Baxter, AN and de Silva, P:
A dictionary of Kristang (Malacca Creole Portugues) Canberra: Pacific Linguistics/Australian National University 2004 (In English with an English-Kristang concordance)
Baxter, AN A grammar of Kristang (Malacca Creole Portuguese) - Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 1988
da Franca, António Pinto, Portuguese Influence in Indonesia Gunung Agung 1970 Djakarta (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong) - (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Camões Grandi da Nacão Dialecto Macaense Edição de Fundação Á-Má-Kok, Instituição de Utilidade Pública, Macau 1982 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)- In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Doci Papiacam de Macau Instituto Cultural de Macau 1990 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong) - In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Luz de Natal Dialecto Macaense Imprensa na Tipografia Mandarin Natal de 1990 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)- In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Natal - Amor, Paz, Alegria Dialecto Macaense Natal de 1986 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)- In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Natal Cristam Dialecto Macaense Imprensa na Tipografia Mandarin Natal 1990 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)- In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Papia Cristam di Macau - Epítome de Gramática Comparade e Vocabulário Dialecto Macaense (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)- In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Poémia di Macau (Poesia e Prosa) Dialecto Macaense Obra Editada pelo Leal Senado de Macau em Comemoração do 4° Centenário da Sua Fundação 1983(Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong) -Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Senna Fernandes, Miguel and Baxter, Alan Norman Maquista Chapado - Vocabulary and Expressions in Macao's Portuguese Creole   Instituto Cultural do Governo da Região Especial Administrativa de Macau, 2004 (In Portuguese and English)

Senna Fernandes, Miguel Filo di Quim A humourous and insightful article on nicknames. In Portuguese Um artigo bem-humorado e perspicaz sobre apelidos

Remedios, Jorge Macanese language - an introduction to the patuá

da Silva, Frederic A. "Jim" Words and Phrases

See also Yule, H: Anglo-Indian words and phrases

Pela Patria

Pela Patria ("For the Fatherland", a phrase from the Portuguese National Anthem) was a monthly Magazine published in 1940-41 by the Portuguese community in Shanghai. About half of the articles are in Portuguese and half in English. It captured an invaluable record of the life and people in that city, four years after occupation by the Japanese in 1937, and contains many photos of Macanese (unfortunately, of poor quality). The community there, feeling under threat and obviously economically stressed and insecure, tried hard to maintain their Portuguese identity and cohesion with articles on Portuguese history and culture, through social events, and by promoting lessons on the Portuguese language. But it could not last: with the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific in December 1941 the whole community dispersed, never to reassemble.

We are fortunate that a bound copy of the entire series survives in the JM Braga Collection in the National Library of Australia. Its hundreds of pages were laboriously photographed by Dr Stuart Braga and reproduced here.

Click to see its contents, which provide links to individual pages of the magazine and, for the Private website, hundreds of links to peoples' Personal Pages. Descendants of Macanese from Shanghai will enjoy browsing through the magazine and may even find mention of their relatives.

Penha Church

Braga, Stuart Delivered From The Jaws Of Death - An article on Penha Church. Published in the Bulletin of Club Lusitano, 11 June 2019

Photograph Album

Jorge, Cecília and Coelho, Beltrão,

Album Macau - People, Places and Experiences ISBN 972 9418 02 0, Livros do Oriente Macau, 1990 - A collection of historical photographs. In Portuguese and English

Album Macau 1844-1974 Fundacão Oriente, 1990 - A collection of historical photographs. Published in Portuguese and English versions

Album Macau - Memória da Cidade (Glimpses of the Past) Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo, Livros do Oriente, Macau - A collection of historical photographs. Published in Portuguese and English

Jorge da Silva, AP:

Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong : an illustrated history, volume 1: 2007, volume 2: 2010 Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses and Instituto Internacional de Macau - These important books do much to record and celebrate the people who over several generations came from Macau to make a new life in the nearby British colony.

Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese Community in Shanghai : A Pictorial History Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses and Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2012 - A collection of photographs with historical notes.

Portuguese History
Boxer, CR:

Four Centuries of Portuguese Expansion, 1415-1825, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1969 - a succinct survey

Portuguese Conquest and Commerce in Southern Asia: 1500-1750, Variorum Reprints, London, 1985

The Portuguese seaborne empire, 1415-1825 - The great scholar wrote many books bearing on the history of Macau. This one, republished as a Penguin, sets Macau into the context of the astonishing rise and slow decline of the Portuguese empire.

Portuguese Society in the Tropics University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee USA, 1965

Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire 1415-1825, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963

Women in Iberian Expansion Overseas 1415 - 1815, Oxford University Press,New York, 1975

Pero Covilha The Spy Who Never Came Back by Frederic A. "Jim" da Silva - The story of a spy sent by the King of Portugal to Africa

Peter the Cruel The tragic love story of one of the ancestors of the Eça family of Macau

Portugal's Flag - How the flag of Portugal evolved

Portugal - Some Tales from her Past San Francisco, March 2003 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Todos os Nossos Passados (All Our Yesterdays) Collecção Extratextos, Livros do Oriente (sem data)(undated) (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

The Macanese - A Legacy of Portugal - Our origins, our language, our food, our characteristics and our way of life

Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese - An Outline History of their Origin and their Voyages of Discovery Published by the author, San Rafael, CA, USA October 1996


Reed Brothers: Revisiting the Reed Brothers by Armando "Pinky" da Silva — Some notes on the Reed Brothers and their fate during the Battle of Hong Kong

Ribeiro: Grills, Peter Família Ribeiro Pirion Digital, Fyshwick, ACT ISBN 978 1 74027 488 3, 2008 - Biography of the Ribeiro and Nolasco da Silva families. In English

S. Paulo - Macau's famous landmark
Segunda Guerra Mundial

Andrade e Silva, António, Eu Estive em Macau Durante a Guerra - Instituto Cultural de Macau, Museu Centro de Estudos Marítimos de Macau 1934 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

d'Assumpção, Henry Memories of World War II - A personal account of the war years

Banham, Tony

Hong Kong War Diary Click to see a list of all HK Volunteer Defence Corps members, or a list of just the Portuguese volunteers

Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941 UBC Press, 2003

We Shall Suffer There: Hong Kong's Defenders Imprisoned, 1942-45 ISBN: 9622099602 Hong Kong University Press, 2009

Melania Dawn Cannon Experience, Memory and the Construction of the Past: Remembering Macau 1941-1945 Master of Arts Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, Aug 2001

Correa, Anthony The Sorry Treatment of our War Heroes — an article about the neglect of members of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps after the war.

Correa, Frank Frank's Story - Short autobiography, including experiences during World War II

Correa, J. Bosco Reminiscences of the end World War II

Fisher, Les, I Will Remember - Recollections and Reflections on Hong Kong 1941 to 1945 - Internment and Freedom ISBN 1-85741-038-6, Hobbs the Printers, Hampshire, Great Britain, December 1996. Diary of a POW in the Shamshuipo Camp

Forster, Penelope, From Prison Camp to Priesthood Seaview Press <- (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)A biography of José "Zinho" Gosano; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Gosano, Eddie Extract from his autobiography Hong Kong Farewell

Gosano, Luis Gonzaga "Luigi" Autograph Book

Gosano, Eddie Extract from his autobiography Hong Kong Farewell

Gosano, José "Zinho" The Life and Times of Father José "Zinho" Gosano <- Memoirs of José "Zinho" Gosano - a sportsman, soldier, prisoner-of-war and priest

Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps: List of Portuguese members

McNaughton, HP The Friendly Portuguese

Ozorio, Anne From Macau through China to India and Burma: Hong Kong Portuguese in the Chindits

Remedios, Raquel Bela Vista - Recollections of a Wartime Childhood

Rozario, Cicero Experiences at Shamshuipo and Sendai Camps<-Memoirs of a prisoner-of-war in Kowloon and Japan

Silva, Armando "Pinky" Revisiting the Reed Brothers — Some notes on the Reed Brothers and their fate during the Battle of Hong Kong

Silva, Frederic "Jim" Some war-time reminiscences

Stanley Cemetery Macanese buried in Stanley Cemetery.

Padre Manuel Teixeira autor desconhecido, acredita-se ser o Padre Manuel TeixeiraPadre Manuel Teixeira author unknown, believed to be Padre Manuel Teixeira

Van Langenberg, Joyce

Hetty's Story Experiences of Celeste "Hetty" Van Langenberg during World War II

Alex Experiences of Alexandre Jorge "Alex" Alves at the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific

The Long March Account of prisoners-of-war being incarcerated at Shamshuipo

Escape from Shamshuipo Camp Reggie Baptista's escape from POW camp

Vieira Ribeiro, Luiz "Luigi" An Account of my war experiences and subsequent imprisonment under the Japanese

Wordie, Jason Covert War Mission -An article on Sir Roger Lobo's role in forestalling a Chinese takeover of Hong Kong.

Yvanovich, Philippe My Wartime Experience 2009 - An edited version of a privately produced and distributed booklet

Senna Fernandes, Henrique

Brookshaw, David Imperial Diasporas and the Search for Authenticity - The Macanese Fiction of Henrique de Senna Fernandes


The Portuguese Company of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps - Shanghai times 23 February 1931

A Guide to Catholic Shanghai Catholic Churches and Schools in Shanghai in 1937

Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese Community in Shanghai : A Pictorial History Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses and Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2012 - A collection of photographs with historical notes.

Pela Patria

Pela Patria ("For the Fatherland", a phrase from the Portuguese National Anthem) was a monthly Magazine published in 1940-41 by the Portuguese community in Shanghai. About half of the articles are in Portuguese and half in English. It captured an invaluable record of the life and people in that city, four years after occupation by the Japanese in 1937, and contains many photos of Macanese (unfortunately, of poor quality). The community there, feeling under threat and obviously economically stressed and insecure, tried hard to maintain their Portuguese identity and cohesion with articles on Portuguese history and culture, through social events, and by promoting lessons on the Portuguese language. But it could not last: with the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific in December 1941 the whole community dispersed, never to reassemble.

We are fortunate that a bound copy of the entire series survives in the JM Braga Collection in the National Library of Australia. Its hundreds of pages were laboriously photographed by Dr Stuart Braga and reproduced here.

Click to see its contents, which provide links to individual pages of the magazine and, for the Private website, hundreds of links to peoples' Personal Pages. Descendants of Macanese from Shanghai will enjoy browsing through the magazine and may even find mention of their relatives.

Rivero, Leonard History of Portuguese in Shanghai

Wang Zhicheng: Portuguese in Shanghai Fundação Macau. Although it contains numerous typographical and factual errors, it nonethelss proves a valuable record of the Portuguese in Shanghai up until the Pacific war in 1941. From it we have compiled a list of names over 2,000 names with many of them linked (in the Private website) to Personal Pages.

Sun Yat Sen Correspondence between the Macanese Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes and Sun Yat-Sen, the first President of the Republic of China.

Tea - Secret Recipes of Old Macau - Dr. Pitter's Famous Tea and the Long-Forgotten Patrício's Tea

Toponímia de Macau by Padre Manuel Teixeira (Place-names in Macau, in Portuguese)
Treaty Ports

Wright, Arnold (Ed.), Twentieth Century Impressions of Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports in China, Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Company, 1908. A huge and magnificently illustrated book about Europeans on the China coast at the high point of imperialism.

World War II

de Andrade e Silva, António, Eu Estive em Macau Durante a Guerra - Instituto Cultural de Macau, Museu Centro de Estudos Marítimos de Macau 1934 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)I was in Macau during the War. (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

d'Assumpção, Henry Memories of World War II - A personal account of the war years

Banham, Tony

Hong Kong War Diary Click to see a list of all HK Volunteer Defence Corps members, or a list of just the Portuguese volunteers

Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941 UBC Press, 2003

We Shall Suffer There: Hong Kong's Defenders Imprisoned, 1942-45 ISBN: 9622099602 Hong Kong University Press, 2009

Baptista, Marciano "Naneli" Album of drawings

Melania Dawn Cannon Experience, Memory and the Construction of the Past: Remembering Macau 1941-1945 Master of Arts Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, Aug 2001

Anthony Correa The Sorry Treatment of our War Heroes — an article about the neglect of members of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps after the war.

Correa, Frank Frank's Story Short autobiography, including experiences during World War II

Correa, J. Bosco Reminiscences of the end World War II

Fisher, Les, I Will Remember - Recollections and Reflections on Hong Kong 1941 to 1945 - Internment and Freedom ISBN 1-85741-038-6, Hobbs the Printers, Hampshire, Great Britain, December 1996. Diary of a POW in the Shamshuipo Camp

Forster, Penelope, From Prison Camp to Priesthood
Seaview Press
Uma biografia de José "Zinho" Gosano; (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)A biography of José "Zinho" Gosano; (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Gosano, Luis Gonzaga "Luigi" Autograph Book

Memoirs of José "Zinho" Gosano - a sportsman, soldier, prisoner-of-war and priest

Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps: List of Portuguese members

The Sorry Treatment of our War Heroes by Anthony Correa — an article about the neglect of members of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps after the war.

McNaughton, HP The Friendly Portuguese

Ozorio, Anne From Macau through China to India and Burma: Hong Kong Portuguese in the Chindits

Remedios, Raquel Bela Vista - Recollections of a Wartime Childhood

Rozario, Cicero Experiences at Shamshuipo and Sendai Camps Memoirs of a prisoner-of-war in Kowloon and Japan

Silva, Armando "Pinky" Revisiting the Reed Brothers — Some notes on the Reed Brothers and their fate during the Battle of Hong Kong

Silva, Frederic "Jim" Some war-time reminiscences

Stanley Cemetery Macanese buried in Stanley Cemetery.

Padre Manuel Teixeira autor desconhecido, acredita-se ser o Padre Manuel TeixeiraPadre Manuel Teixeira author unknown, believed to be Padre Manuel Teixeira

Van Langenberg, Joyce

Hetty's Story Experiences of Celeste "Hetty" Van Langenberg during World War II

Alex Experiences of Alexandre Jorge "Alex" Alves at the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific

The Long March Account of prisoners-of-war being incarcerated at Shamshuipo

Escape from Shamshuipo Camp Reggie Baptista's escape from POW camp

Vieira Ribeiro, Luiz "Luigi" An Account of my war experiences and subsequent imprisonment under the Japanese

Wordie, Jason Covert War Mission Sir Roger Lobo's role in forestalling a Chinese takeover of Hong Kong - Article in South China Morning Post

Yvanovich, Philippe My Wartime Experience 2009 - An edited version of a privately produced and distributed booklet


Arte e ArquitecturaArt and Architecture

S. Paulo: The dominant and unforgettable symbol of Macau for the last 400 years has been the great Church of the Mother of God (commonly called St Paul), begun in 1602. The façade, all that now remains, was completed in 1637. The church itself was destroyed by fire in 1835, but the great stone facade endures, the finest European building in the Far East. Several recent books celebrate Macau's unique heritage of church and military architecture.
d'Assumpção, Henry , S. Paulo - A brief history of the Church of the Mother of God, now commonly called St Paul
Chinese Treasures - Macau's landmarks exquisitely carved in jade.
Garrett, Richard J., The Defences of Macau: Forts, Ships and Weapons over 450 Years
Hong Kong University Press, 2010.
An expert account of the ancient fortifications of Macau, superbly illustrated. However, Garrett looks only at the structures and the military hardware, not at the people who manned the forts.
Nuñez, César Guillén, Macao's Church of Saint Paul: A Glimmer of the Baroque in China
Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2009.
At last St Paul's gets the fine book it has deserved for so long.
As ruínas de S. Paulo, Macau, um monumento para o futuro
Lisboa (Catálogo de Exposição), Macau, Companhia de Jesus, Setembro-Dezembro de 1994.
The Ruins of St Paul, Macau, a monument to the future, Lisbon (Exhibition Catalogue), Macau, the Society of Jesus
Penha Church
Braga, Stuart Delivered From The Jaws Of Death - An article on Penha Church. Published in the Bulletin of Club Lusitano, 11 June 2019
Smirnoff,George Vitalievich Macau Anos 40
Leal Senado de Macau, Museu Luis de Camões (sem data) (undated)
(Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)


Barretto, Gloria
Gloria Barretto's Hong Kong stories by Jason Wordie gave a glimpse of the city history
Bastos, António Joaquim
António Joaquim Bastos by Padre Manuel Teixeira, Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1942 (In Portuguese.)
Henrique Botelho - Obituary of a prominent Macanese, South China Morning Post by Jason Wordie
Braga, José Maria
José Maria Braga - O Homem e Sua Obra
Instituto Cultural de Macau, Arquivo Historico Bibliotéca Central 1993
(Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)The Man and his Works. In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Chinnery, George:
Conner, Patrick, George Chinnery, 1744-1852, artist of India and the China coast, Antique Collectors' Club, 1993 - The authoritative study of Chinnery
Hutcheon, Robin, Chinnery: the man and the legend Hong Kong, 1975. - Written by the distinguished editor of the South China Morning Post, this is a more readable and straightforward book than Conner's major study. (There are five copies in Australian libraries.)
Teixeira, Manuel George Chinnery , Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1944 - The noted painter who did much of his work in Macau. In Portuguese.
Cordeiro, Ray  Biography - Interview by South China Morning Post
Correa, Frank Frank's Story - Short Autobiography
Gosano, Eddie Hong Kong Farewell

England, Greg (Publ.) Special Limited Edition 1977 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Read Extract

Forster, Penelope, From Prison Camp to Priesthood , Seaview Press - Uma biografia (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)A biography (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)
The Life and Times of Father José "Zinho" Gosano - Memoirs of a sportsman, soldier, prisoner-of-war and priest
Return of a great survivor, South China Morning Post
Lobo, Roger
Covert War Mission - An article by Jason Wordie in the South China Morning Post on Sir Roger Lobo's role in forestalling a Chinese takeover of Hong Kong.
Macaenses IlustresGaleria de Macaenses Ilustres do século XIX,Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1942 - Gallery of Illustrious Macanese of the 19th Century. (In Portuguese)
Melo, António AlexandrinoAntónio Alexandrino de Melo, Barão de Cercal by Padre Manuel Teixeira, Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1942 (In Portuguese)
Teixeira, Pe. Manuel, Vicente Nicolau de Mesquita Tipografia Soi Sang Macau, 1958. - Biography of Mesquita. In Portuguese
Amaral and Mesquita Article by Henry d'Assumpção on the turbulent period in Macau when the governor was assassinated and Macau seriously threatened.
Pedro Nolasco da Silva by Padre Manuel Teixeira, Imprensa Nacional, Macau, 1942 (In Portuguese)
Ribeiro, Fernando and Fernanda and family
Grills, Peter Família Ribeiro, Pirion Digital, Fyshwick, ACT ISBN 978 1 74027 488 3, 2008 - Biography of the Ribeiro and Nolasco da Silva families. In English
Leonor de Seabra
Arnaldo da Silva, by Rolando F Villacorte - A Macanese who took part in the Phillipine rebellion
The Story of Arnaldo Frederico da Silva , by Jerome Da Silva - The Philippine Revolution: The La Salle Connection
Souza, Henry
In the List of HKVDC members, he appears as Henrique Antonio Sousa
Vieira Ribeiro, Luiz "Luigi"
Xavier, Augusto Maria
A Hero's Tale Retold by Pinky da Silva - Lt Augusto Maria Xavier USMC, a decorated Macanese hero of the Vietnam war
Yvanovich, Philippe My Wartime Experience 2009 - An edited version of a privately produced and distributed booklet


Baptista, Filomeno: Consoada (Christmas Eve Supper)
Doling Doling, Annabel: Macau on a Plate Roundhouse Publications (Asia) Ltd Hong Kong ISBN 962 7992 01 1
Hsu Hsu, Rebecca: Gas Cookery Book Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd, 1962 (Contains some Portuguese recipes by Sousa, Elsa Palma
Instituto de Formação Turística Instituto de Formação Turística The Art of Macanese Cooking & Other IFT Delights IFT, Macau, 2001
JorgeCecilia Jorge, Cecília: Macanese Cooking APIM Macau, 2004
Lopes, António Vicente "Tony": Receitas da Cozinha Macaense Tipografia da Missão Macau, 1977
Jackson Jackson, Annabel: Taste of Macau ISBN 962 209 638 7, Hong Kong University Press, 2003
Celestina de Mello e Senna, Maria Celestina: Bons Petiscos por Celestina Tipografia da Missão Macau, 1977
Mamak, Alexander In search of a Macanese cookbook. Sidney C.H. Cheung and Tan Chee-Beng (eds) Food and Foodways in Asia: Resource, Tradition and Cooking   Routledge, 2007, pp. 159-170
JorgeGraca Jorge, Graça Pacheco: A Cozinha de Macau da Casa do Meu Avô Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1992
Dining in the Algarve -A gastronomic tour of the Algarve, Portugal
Food of the Regions of Portugal - A gastronomic tour of regions of Portugal
Festa das Sardinhas - Portimão, the sardine capital of the world
Mountain Firewater Home-distilled medronho
O Vinho do Porto - Port wine
Os Verdinhos - "Green" wine of Portugal
Terra de Bacalhau Bacalhau - the national dish of Portugal
Loh, Juliana A history of Macau in 10 traditional fusion dishes, from African chicken to devil's curry     South China Morning Post 23 11 2019 - a well-presented article, with good photos, of signature Macanese dishes (with the odd spelling error).
Serro Serro, Cíntia Conceição: O Livro de Receitas da Tia/Mãe Albertina Fundação Macau, 2012


Jornal da Tribuna de Macau: Os Macaenses (The Macanese) - Historical background, cultural representations and functions
On Macanese Nicknames - Our weird, humorous, witty and sometimes cruel nicknames
The Macanese - A Legacy of Portugal - Our origins, our language, our food, our characteristics and our way of life
PastimesssPastimres of times past
Talu, by Jorge Remedios - A popular children's game in Macau and Hong Kong


There is only a little information in the Public site on genealogy; the Restricted site contains 65,000 names of Macanese family members and their ancestors.

Forjaz, Jorge
Forjaz VolI Forjaz, Jorge, Familias Macaenses Vols I-III ISBN 972 9440 60-30 (FO) Fundação Oriente Macau, 1996. - The definitive work on Macanese genealogy, with over 40,000 names. In Portuguese.
Forjaz 2nd Ed. Familias Macaenses Vols I-VI ISBN 978-99965-886-1-7 Albergue SCM e Bambu - Sociedade e Artes Limitada, Macau, Março 2017. - The second edition of the definitive and epic work on Macanese genealogy, with about 65,000 names and thousands photos. In Portuguese.
Forjaz, Jorge, Os Luso-Descendentes da Índia Portuguesa, Vols I-III Fundação Oriente, Lisboa, 2003 - Portuguese families in India, including many of the ancestors of families in Macau. In Portuguese.
Lacson Genealogy Familia Lacson - Genealogy of the Lacson family in The Phillipines, including the descendants of the Macanese Cora Maria Osório Rosa Braga. In English.
Jason Wordie Family Affairs Then and Now - Article on Jorge Forjaz's Famílias MacaensesFamílias Macaenses



The Macanese people, despite their strong sense of history, have never written much about it. Until recently there have only been a few books, mainly by foreigners. These are among them.

de Andrade e Silva, António, Eu Estive em Macau Durante a Guerra

Instituto Cultural de Macau, Museu Centro de Estudos Marítimos de Macau 1934 - (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)I was in Macau during the War (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Ball, J Dyer, Macao the Holy City, The Gem of the Orient Earth China Baptist Publication Service, 1905 - Este é um breve e bem escrito relato de Macau no início do século XX. Em inglês.This is a brief, well-written account of Macau at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Barbeiro, Augusto de Souza, Cadastro das Vias e Outros Lugares Públicos de Cidade de Macau 1925 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong) - Streets and other public places in Macau. In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Boxer, CR

Fidalgos in the Far East, 1550-1770. Fact and Fancy in the History of Macao Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, Netherlands, 1948 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Four Centuries of Portuguese Expansion, 1415-1825: a succinct survey University of California Press, Berkeley, 1969

Portuguese Conquest and Commerce in Southern Asia: 1500-1750 Variorum Reprints, London, 1985

Boxer Seaborne Empire The Portuguese seaborne empire, 1415-1825 -

The great scholar wrote many books bearing on the history of Macau. This one, republished as a Penguin, sets Macau into the context of the astonishing rise and slow decline of the Portuguese empire.

Portuguese Society in the Tropics University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee USA, 1965


Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire 1415-1825 Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963


Women in Iberian Expansion Overseas 1415 - 1815 Oxford University Press,New York, 1975


Seventeenth Century Macao in Contemporary Documents and Illustrations Ed. and translated by CR Boxer. Heinemann (Asia) Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore 1984 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)


BragaPortCommChina Braga, JP, The Portuguese in Hongkong and China: their beginning, settlement and progress during one hundred years Macau, Fundação Macau, 1998 -First published 1944, revised by Barnabas HM Koo, University of Macau, 2013 ISBN 978-99965-1-037-3IMG.

Melania Dawn Cannon Experience, Memory and the Construction of the Past: Remembering Macau 1941-1945 Master of Arts Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, Aug 2001

Chan, Catherine S 'Empire' Drifters: The Macanese in British Hong Kong, 1841-1941 PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, July 2019

The Chinese Repository Vol III (From May 1834 to April 1835) Canton, Printed for the Proprietors 1835

Coates -- Macao and the British Coates, A, Macao and the British

Oxford University Press, 1988, reprinted, Hong Kong University Press, 2009.

Coates -- Macao Narrative Coates, Austin, A Macao Narrative Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd. Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur 1978, reprinted, Hong Kong University Press, 2009. - (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)A short and very readable history. Coates retraces the discovery of the sea route to the Far East and the subsequent foundation of Macao as a Portuguese enclave in 1557. The last chapter, Macao's finest hour, tells the story of Macao's role in World War II as a haven of refuge for many thousands. Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong.

Endacott -- History of HK Endacott, GB, History of Hong Kong This standard history was first published in 1958, and re-issued in 1995 with four new chapters. It is now very dated, but no other general history of Hong Kong has so far been written to supersede it. There is occasional reference to the Portuguese community.

Gosano, Eddie (Publ. Greg England), Hong Kong Farewell Special Limited Edition 1977 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong). Read Extract

Fisher, Les, I Will Remember - Recollections and Reflections on Hong Kong 1941 to 1945 - Internment and Freedom ISBN 1-85741-038-6, Hobbs the Printers, Hampshire, Great Britain, December 1996. Diary of a POW in the Shamshuipo Camp< ISBN 1-85741-038-6, Hobbs the Printers, Hampshire, Great Britain, December 1996. - Diary of a POW in the Shamshuipo Camp

Forster, Penelope, From Prison Camp to Priesthood Seaview Press -Uma biografia de José "Zinho" Gosano (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)A biography of José "Zinho" Gosano; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

da Franca, António Pinto, Portuguese Influence in Indonesia Gunung Agung 1970 Djakarta (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

A Guide to Catholic Shanghai Catholic Churches and Schools in Shanghai in 1937

Grills, Peter Família Ribeiro Pirion Digital, Fyshwick, ACT ISBN 978 1 74027 488 3, 2008 -Biography of the Ribeiro and Nolasco da Silva families. In English

Guillen-Nunez -- Macau Guillen-Nuñez, Cesar, Macau Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1984. -A brief and well-illustrated introduction to the history of Macau in fewer than 70 pages.

Guimares e Freitas, José de Aquino Memoria sobre Macao Coimbra, na Real Imprensa da Universidade, 1828. Memoirs of an Aritillery officer stationed in Macau between 1815 and 1822 (in Portuguese).

Hoe, Susanna, The Private Life of Old Hong Kong. Western Women in the British Colony 1841-1941 Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 1995

Hongkong Almanack 1846 pp1-19; from HK Almanacks we have extracted a List of Portuguese residents, with their addresses and occupations.

Huang, M, Sons of La Salle Everyone : a History of La Salle College and Primary School, 1932-2007 Hong Kong, La Salle College Old Boys' Association, 2007. - In its early years, La Salle's students were mainly Macanese boys. This recent history is superbly illustrated and presented.

Ingrams, Harold Who are the true citizens? Extract from Hong Kong, pp 249-251, London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1952

Jorge, Cecília and Coelho, Beltrão,

Album Macau - People, Places and Experiences ISBN 972 9418 02 0, Livros do Oriente Macau, 1990 - A collection of historical photographs. In Portuguese and English

Album Macau 1844-1974 Fundacão Oriente, 1990 - A collection of historical photographs. Published in Portuguese and English versions

Album Macau - Memória da Cidade (Glimpses of the Past) Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo, Livros do Oriente, Macau - A collection of historical photographs. Published in Portuguese and English

TonecoVoyages The Portuguese - An Outline History of their Origin and their Voyages of Discovery Published by the author, San Rafael, CA, USA October 1996

Toneco1 Toneco2 The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong: A Pictorial History : an illustrated history, volume 1: 2007, volume 2: 2010   Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses and Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2007 -A collection of photographs with historical notes. These important books do much to record and celebrate the people who over several generations came from Macau to make a new life in the nearby British colony.

TonecoShanghai1 Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese Community in Shanghai : A Pictorial History 2010  Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses and Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2012 - A collection of photographs with historical notes.

Diaspora Macaense to California Associação Promotora da Instrução dos Macaenses, ISBN 978-99937-995-0-4, 2009


Koo, Bernard In search of a better world: a social history of the Macaenses in China MA Honours Thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2000

The Little Flower Club Diamond Jubilee 1927-1987

Ljungstedt Ljungstedt, Andrew, An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China First published James Munroe & Co, Boston: 1836 - Ljungstedt, who had lived in Macau for several years, wrote with insight about this unique city, and was not blind to its faults.

Lusitano History - 150 years of the Lusitano Club in Hong Kong

Machado, Leonor Sá Lesser Known Historical Stories of Macau Macau Style, 7 July 2020

Montalto de Jesus -- Historic Macao CA Montalto de Jesus, Historic Macao Hong Kong, Kelly & Walsh, 1902; 2nd edn, Salesian Press, Macao, 1926, repr. Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1984. - A warmly sympathetic view of Macau. It still reads well after so many years.

Muto, Dr Chozo, The Omura Manuscript

Ng, Maria, Pilgrimages: Memories of Colonial Macau and Hong Kong Hong Kong University Press, 2009. - A collection of essays on Portuguese Macau and British Hong Kong. It depicts many humorous and painful episodes navigating family politics and her inter cultural pilgrimages from adolescent romances to professional life.

Nishiyama, Marcelo    A study of the church of St. Paul in Macao and the transformation of Portuguese architecture Download

A monthly Magazine published in 1940-41 by the Portuguese community in Shanghai. About half of the articles are in Portuguese, the rest in English. It provides valuable insight into life in that city, four years after occupation by the Japanese in 1937, and contains many photos of Macanese. The community there, feeling under threat and obviously economically stressed and insecure, tried hard to maintain their Portuguese identity and cohesion with articles on Portuguese history and culture, through social events, and by promoting lessons on the Portuguese language. But it could not last: with the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific in December 1941 the whole community dispersed, never to reassemble.
Click to see an index of the contents of the magazine. Descendants of Macanese from Shanghai will enjoy browsing through the magazine and may even find mention of their relatives.

Porter, Jonathan Macau: The Imaginary City--Culture and Society, 1557 to the Present 240 pp. Boulder CO, Westview Press, 1996

FilhosDaTerra Rangel, Alexandra Sofia Filhos da Terra - A comunidade Macaense, Ontem e Hoje

Rocha Vieira, Vasco Todos os portos a que cheguei Dec 2010 Pedro Vieira/Grapa Publicações, S.A. - An important book by the last Portuguese Governor of Macau. There are several chapters on Macau

de Sa, Luis Andrade, Portugueses em Hong Kong (The Portuguese in Hong Kong) Fundação Oriente : Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1999. In Portuguese. An English translation of this important book has been made by Alberto Guterres, but this remains unpublished.

Shanghai times 23 February 1931. The Portuguese Company of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps

Portugal - Some Tales from her Past San Francisco, March 2003 (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Todos os Nossos Passados (All Our Yesterdays) Collecção Extratextos, Livros do Oriente (sem data) (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)(undated) (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

The Macanese - A Legacy of Portugal - Our origins, our language, our food, our characteristics and our way of life

Teixeira, Padre Manuel

Galeria de Macaenses Ilustres do Século XIX Imprensa Nacional Macau, 1942. (Gallery of Illustrious Macanese of the 19th Century. In Portuguese)

Toponemia1 Toponemia2 Toponímia de Macau Vol I & II

Imprensa Nacional Macau, 1979. (History of place-names in Macau. In Portuguese)

Templo Chinês da Barra Má-Kok-Miu Centro de Informação e Turismo, Macau, 1979 (The Barra Chinese Temple. In Portuguese.)

The Japanese in Macau    ISBN 972-35-0095-7, Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1990 - Nos séculos XVI e XVII, os japoneses cristãos encontraram em Macau uma casa no exílio e deixaram a sua marca na arquitectura e nas obras de arte desta cidade. Conseguiu uma fusão admirável de duas culturas - o do Oriente e do Ocidente. São-nos fornecidos detalhes sobre estas obras e a sua história, bem como sobre os japoneses que viveram e morreram em Macau. (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)In the 16th and 17th centuries, Christian Japanese found, in Macau, a home in exile and they left their mark on the architecture and art works of this city. It achieved an admirable fusion of two cultures - that of East and West. We are given details about these works and their history as well about the Japanese who lived and died in Macau. (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong. In English)

Wordie_MacaoWordie, Jason, Macao: People and Places, Past and Present Angsana Ltd, Hong Kong 2013

Wright, Arnold (Ed.), Twentieth Century Impressions of Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports in China Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Company, 1908 - A huge and magnificently illustrated book about Europeans on the China coast at the high point of imperialism, including a chapter on Macau.

Yvan, Melchior, Six Months among the Malays and a Year in China London: James Blackwood 1855 (a fascinating book which includes a chapter on Macau, digitised by Google)

Artigos HistóricosHistorical Articles

This section of the library provides a selection of articles. Authors are listed alphabetically in the Portuguese manner (e.g., da Silva under Silva)


The Shroud - A ghost story recounted to generations of Macanese.

The Burial at Sea - A cautionary sea yarn

Toot-Toot - What stutterers had to suffer

The Sealed Skeletons

The Floorwalker

The Corpse at Cacilhas Beach

The Funeral at St Paul's

The Miraculous Cross


Amaral and Mesquita A turbulent period in Macau when the governor was assassinated and Macau seriously threatened.

S. Paulo

Memories of World War II - A personal account of the war years

We Macanese

Banham, Tony:
Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941; UBC Press, 2003
We Shall Suffer There: Hong Kong's Defenders Imprisoned, 1942-45; ISBN: 9622099602 Hong Kong University Press, 2009
Baptista, Filomeno ("Meno"):
Melania Dawn Cannon Experience, Memory and the Construction of the Past: Remembering Macau 1941-1945 Master of Arts Thesis, Department of History, University of British Columbia, Aug 2001
Oscar Collaço Autobiography
Correa, Frank Frank's Story Short autobiography, including experiences during World War II
Fisher, Les, I Will Remember - Recollections and Reflections on Hong Kong 1941 to 1945 - Internment and Freedom ISBN 1-85741-038-6, Hobbs the Printers, Hampshire, Great Britain, December 1996. Diary of a POW in the Shamshuipo Camp
Forster, Penelope, From Prison Camp to Priesthood Seaview Press - (Cópia mantida na Biblioteca do Clube Lusitano, Hong Kong)A biography of José "Zinho" Gosano; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Gomes, Daniel R.: A Macanese Entrepreneur - Memories of some members of the Gomes family
Gosano, Eddie Memoirs of Dr Eddie Gosano Extract from his autobiography "Hong Kong Farewell"
Gosano, José "Zinho" The Life and Times of Father José "Zinho" Gosano Memoirs of José "Zinho" Gosano - a sportsman, soldier, prisoner-of-war and priest
Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps: List of Portuguese members
Maryknoll Convent School history
Muto, Chozo: The Omura Manuscript - Interactions of the Portuguese with Japan, from the Japanese viewpoint
Jorge Remedios: Our Bairro Reminiscences of childhood
Raquel de Carvalho Remedios: Bela Vista Recollections of a Wartime Childhood
Rozario, Cicero Experiences at Shamshuipo and Sendai Camps Memoirs of a prisoner-of-war in Kowloon and Japan
The Spy Who Never Came Back - The story of Pêro Covilhã, a spy sent by the King of Portugal to Africa
Peter the Cruel The tragic love story of one of the ancestors of the Eça family of Macau
Portugal's Flag How the flag of Portugal evolved

Padre Manuel Teixeira autor desconhecido, acredita-se ser o Padre Manuel TeixeiraPadre Manuel Teixeira author unknown, believed to be Padre Manuel Teixeira

Seis sacos de terra portuguesa - Um conto de patriotismoSix Sacks of Portuguese Soil - A tale of patriotism
Hetty's Story Experiences of Celeste "Hetty" Van Langenberg during World War II
Alex Experiences of Alexandre Jorge "Alex" Alves at the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific
The Long March Account of prisoners-of-war being incarcerated at Shamshuipo
Wordie, Jason
Wordie, Jason Covert War Mission - An article on Sir Roger Lobo's role in forestalling a Chinese takeover of Hong Kong.
The Past Master South China Morning Post, Hong Kong. - An article on the Hong Kong Legislative and Executive Councils, which mentions some prominent Macanese.
Jason Wordie Family Affairs Then and Now - Article on Jorge Forjaz's Famílias MacaensesFamílias Macaenses
Roy Eric Xavier: The Happy Valley Race Course Fire of 1918 - The disastrous fire which killed at least 9 Macanese.
Yvanovich, Philippe My Wartime Experience 2009 - An edited version of a privately produced and distributed booklet

Videos históricosHistorical Videos



Uma produção do Instituto Internacional de Macau em colaboração com a Fundação Macau.
Baseada em entrevistas conduzidas por Joaquim Magalhães de Castro em Setembro/Outubro de 2016.
Texto de Mariana Pereira
Imagens de António Pinto Marques
Legendas em Português e Inglês: Hugo Gaspar
Produtor executivo: Rufino Ramos


A production of the International Institute of Macau in collaboration with Fundação Macau.
Based on interviews conducted by Joaquim Magalhães de Castro on September/October 2016.
Text: Mariana Pereira
Images: António Pinto Marques
Subtitles in Portuguese and English: Hugo Gaspar
Executive Producer: Rufino Ramos


Brookshaw, David Imperial Diasporas and the Search for Authenticity - The Macanese Fiction of Henrique de Senna Fernandes
Carmo do Carmo, Maria Helena Mercadores do ópio Fundação Oriente, Macau. - Uma viagem por Macau do século XVIII num estilo romanceado, baseado em documentação coeva, que retrata vivências conjunturais ao longo de seis décadas, com o protagonismo de uma família macaense.Based on contemporary documents, this romantic novel on eighteenth century Macau portrays the experiences of six decades of a Macanese family.
A-Chan, A Tancareira Lobito, Angola, 1974 - A-Chan, the rowboat woman, an award-winning novel. In Portuguese
Amor e Dedinhos de Pé Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1986 - Love and Tiny Toes, a novel and movie (1993). In Portuguese
A Trança Feiticeira Fundação Oriente, Lisboa, 1993 - The Bewitching Braid, a novel and movie (1996).
Mong Há Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1998 - Versões em português e inglêsA novel. Versions in Portuguese and English


An Anglochinese calendar for the year 1845 Hongkong : Office of the Chinese Repository, 1845. In English and Chinese.
It includes a list of prominent events and of foreign residents in Canton, Macao, Hongkong, Amoy, Fuchau, Ningpo and Shanghai. From this we have extracted a list of Portuguese residents has been extracted.
The Hong Kong Almanacks
The names, addresses and occupations of hundreds of Portuguese and their occupations have been extracted from the Hong Kong Almanacks.
Hong Kong Juror Lists in the 19th Century
These list residents who were eligible to serve as jurors and include over 300 Portuguese. Their names, occupations and addresses are shown in a table, and (for the private website) links are provided to their personal pages.
Amaro, Ana Maria, Três jogos populares de Macau - Chonca, Talu, Bafá
Three popular games of Macau - Chonca, Talu and Bafá (in Portuguese)
Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1984
The first of two articles on birds of Hong Kong
The second of two articles on birds of Hong Kong
Clemens, John, Discovering Macau
2nd Edition MacMillan Hong Kong 1st published 1972 Reprinted 1978
Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Macau Daily Times, 7 Oct 2010, just after the death of Henrique de Senna Fernandes
Postcards Loureiro, João M, Postais Antigos MacauMacau Antique Postcards.
Delfino Noronha birthday party programme, 30 June 1891: page 1, page 2
A collection of photos of tombstones with commentary,

Pela Patria

Pela Patria ("For the Fatherland", a phrase from the Portuguese National Anthem) was a monthly Magazine published in 1940-41 by the Portuguese community in Shanghai. About half of the articles are in Portuguese and half in English. It captured an invaluable record of the life and people in that city, four years after occupation by the Japanese in 1937, and contains many photos of Macanese (unfortunately, of poor quality). The community there, feeling under threat and obviously economically stressed and insecure, tried hard to maintain their Portuguese identity and cohesion with articles on Portuguese history and culture, through social events, and by promoting lessons on the Portuguese language. But it could not last: with the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific in December 1941 the whole community dispersed, never to reassemble.

We are fortunate that a bound copy of the entire series survives in the JM Braga Collection in the National Library of Australia. Its hundreds of pages were laboriously photographed by Dr Stuart Braga and reproduced here.

Click to see its contents, which provide links to individual pages of the magazine and, for the Private website, hundreds of links to peoples' Personal Pages. Descendants of Macanese from Shanghai will enjoy browsing through the magazine and may even find mention of their relatives.

The China Economic Press in Macao, Dairen and Tokyo.
A biannual journal launched in 1937. We have only the first issue here.
Banquet at the Fat Siu Lau Restaurant for the Senior NCOs of the HKVDC
Engagement of Leonídia Teresa Laurel to João Ferreira dos Santos Loureiro
           National Library of Australia, Newspaper collection X 1021 pkt no. 111
A travelogue (in Portuguese)
Tambling and Lo Tambling, Jeremy and Lo, Louis, Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Hong Kong University Press, 2009.
An intelligent book that goes well beyond the tourist brochures. It does not only deal with the old monuments. You might like to look at this for a general introduction to Macau.


Macau Lullaby:

An old Macanese nursery rhyme, some versions with bawdy lyrics
Programme of Concert by Ligia Pinto Ribeiro and Prof Harry Ore at Clube de Recreio, 6 May 1950

National Anthem of Portugal

Heróis do mar, nobre povo,
Naçao valente, imortal,
Levantai hoje de novo
Os esplendor de Portugal
Entre as brumas da memória.
Ó Pátria sente-se a voz
Dos teus egrégios avós
Que há-de guiar-te à vitória.
Heroes of the sea, noble people,
Valiant and immortal nation,
Raise once again today
The splendour of Portugal!
Among the haze of memory,
Oh Fatherland, one feels the voice
Of your distinguished forefathers,
Who shall lead you to victory!
O refrão:
Às armas! Às armas!
Sobre a terra, sobre o mar!
Às armas! Às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!
To arms, to arms!
Over land, over sea,
To arms, to arms!
For the Fatherland, fight!
Against the cannons, march on, march on!
Desfralda a invicta bandeira
À luz viva do teu céu
Brade à Europa à terra inteira
Portugal não pereceu!
Beija o solo teu jucundo
O oceano a rujir d'amor;
E o teu braço vencedor
Deu mundos novos ao mundo!
Hoist the undefeated flag,
In the lively light of your sky!
May Europe cry out to the whole Earth:
Portugal has not perished
Kiss your happy soil
The ocean, roaring with love,
And your victorious arm
Gave new worlds to the world!
Saudai o Sol que desponta
Sobre um ridente porvir;
Seja o eco de uma afronta
O sinal do ressurgir.
Raios dessa aurora forte
São como beijos de mãe,
Que nos guardam, nos sustêm,
Contra as injúrias da sorte.
Salute the Sun that rises
Over a gleeful future;
Let the echo of an offense
Be the sign for a comeback.
Rays of this strong dawn
Are like a mother's kisses,
That keep us, sustain us,
Against the injuries of fate.
Deve permitir JavaScript para reproduzir música. To play music, you need to enable JavaScript on your computer.

Maria da Fonte

Os membros portugueses do Corpo Voluntário de Defesa de Hong Kong adoptaram, nos campos de prisioneiros-de-guerra, uma marcha, "Maria da Fonte"*. De acordo com Luigi Gosano, os japoneses proibiram o canto de qualquer Hino Nacional, então, os prisioneiros portugueses animavam os espíritos a cantar "Maria da Fonte". O livro de Les Fisher, I will Remember p. 119, dá um relato ligeiramente diferente:
The Portuguese members of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps adopted in Prisoner-of-War camp a rousing marching song, "Maria da Fonte"*. According to Luigi Gosano, the Japanese forbade the singing of any national anthem, so the Portuguese prisoners raised their spirits by singing instead "Maria da Fonte". Les Fisher's book, I will Remember p. 119, gives a slightly different account:
The same evening the draft of 200 left for an unknown destination. As it left the lads gave three cheers for the camp commandant Honda, because he is the only one we have had who has been decent to us. As they left they sang a Portuguese marching song. Honda and all the guards then stood to attention thinking it was the national anthem.
*Maria foi uma mulher do lugar de Fontarcada, em Portugal, que iniciou uma revolução na região do Minho, Portugal, em 1846 contra as políticas impopulares do ministro do governo António Bernardo da Costa Cabral. Isto deu origem à queda do governo. A revolução do Minho ficou com o nome dela. Angelo Frondoni compôs esta música que rapidamente ganhou popularidade e se tornou quase num segundo hino nacional português.
*     Maria was a woman from the parish of Fontarcada in Portugal who sparked an uprising in the district of Minho, Portugal in 1846 against the unpopular policies of government minister António Bernardo da Costa Cabral. This led to the overthrow of the government. The Minho Revolution was named after her. Angelo Frondoni composed this tune which quickly gained popularity and is almost a second Portuguese national anthem.
PortuguêsLiteral translationWith some licence
Viva a Maria da FonteViva a Maria da Fonte Viva Maria da Fonte
Com as pistolas na mãoWith pistols in handWith pistols in hand
Para matar os cabrais Cabrais: seguidores de António Bernardo da Costa CabralTo kill the cabrais Cabrais: followers of António Bernardo da Costa CabralTo kill the cabrais Cabrais: followers of António Bernardo da Costa Cabral
Que são falsos à naçãoWho are false to the nationWho betray the nation
É avante PortuguesesGo forward, PortugueseGo forward, Portuguese
É avante não temerGo forward, do not fearAdvance, be not afraid
Pela santa LiberdadeFor holy LibertyFor sacred Liberty
Triunfar ou perecerTo triumph or to perishTo triumph or to perish
Viva a Maria da FonteViva Maria da Fonte Viva Maria da Fonte
A cavalo e sem cair On horseback and without fallingRiding with confidence
Com as pistolas à cinta With pistols in your beltWith pistols in your belt
A tocar a reunirPlaying to regroupTo rally at the call
Lá raiou a liberdadeThere shone a ray of libertyThere dawned the liberty
Que a nação há-de aditarWhich the nation has to grow Which the nation must extend
Glória ao Minho que primeiroGlory to the Minho which firstGlory to the Minho Revolution
O seu grito fez soarYour scream made resoundThat your cry first proclaimed
My thanks to Bosco Correa for initiating interest in this, to Gerry McDougall and Tony Jorge da Silva for research into the background, to Meno Baptista for relaying the story from Luigi Gosano, and to Peter Guterres for suggestions on translation. - HdA

Unga casa macaista

A popular traditional Portuguese song with Macanese words
A popular traditional Portuguese song with Macanese words


Unga casa macaísta vôs olá
Têm carinho na pobréza
Si têm gente batê pórta pôde entrá
Vêm comê cô nos na mêsa
Genti pobre, genti rico sâ gostá
Cativá tudo visita
Masqui seza unga casita
Têm su chiste cô alegria
Tudo óra, tudo dia.
Mêsa cô toália bordado
Vaso di fûla na châm
Pisunto china bafado
Têm galinha, têm capám.
Porco balichám tamarinho
Vaca chaucháu maragoso:
Unga caneca cô vinho
Quanto bebinga sábrôso
Unga casa macaísta fazê vista
Sâ fazê vista unga casa macaísta
Siara-siara sabe abrí su coraçám
Lôgo ri pa tudo genti
Na janela sâ cherá mangericám
Fazê vôs ficá contente.
Tem biscoito cô ôbrêa na fontám
Camalénga feto dóci
Chá-co-sucri dóci-dóci
Tudo óra têm na mesa
Quim querê fazê fineza.

Attempt at translation to English

A Macanese house, you will find
Has love even in poverty
Anyone knocking on the door can enter
And eat with us at the table.
Both the poor and the rich like
to be charmed on every visit.
Although the house might be small
it is enlivened by joy
all the time, every day.
The table set with embroidered cloth
A flower pot on the floor
There is boiled Chinese ham
There is chicken, there is capon
Pork with tamarind and balichão
Beef stir-fried with bitter melon
A jug of wine
So many tasty puddings
A Macanese house is something to behold
Quite a sight is a Macanese house.
The ladies know how to open their hearts
They will laugh at all the people
At the window wafts the scent of basil
To lift your spirits.
There are wafer biscuits in the pantry
Candied winter melon
Tea sweetened with sugar
Is always at the table
Whoever wants to can be polite.

La Salle College (Kowloon) School Song


Outros sitesOther websites

Rogério dos Passos da Luz - Projecto Memória Macaense - uma colecção de artigos, música, fotos, etc. De Macau (em português)- a collection of articles, music, photos, etc. on Macau (in Portuguese)
Roy E Xavier   Far East Currents - uma página dedicada à pesquisa sobre o papel de Macaenses e portugueses no Sudeste Asiático.a site devoted to research into the Portuguese and Macanese roles in southeast Asia.
Photos of Macau and Hong Kong -A maravilhosa colecção de cenas da década de 1970.A wonderful collection of scenes of the 1970s.
p1, p2, p3, p4 - An excellent collectioon of old photographs of Macau by Karsten Petersen
Classical Iconoclast Página (Iconoclasta Clássico), criado por Anne Ozorio, com breves artigos sobre o patuá, a estátua do Senhor dos Passos, culinária, a Igreja de S. Paulo, e muito created by Anne Ozorio, with brief articles on the patuá, the Senhor dos Passos statue, cuisine, St Paul's church, and much else.
PCB Bloga - página de Portugal, sobretudo sobre comida e bebida Macaenses - receitas e canções - em português e patuáwebsite from Portugal, mainly on Macaense food and drink - recipes and songs - in Portuguese and in the patuá
Macau Antigo uma página excelente com imensas fotos e artigos, maioritariamente em português, produzida por João BotasOld Macau, an excellent site with large old photos, mostly in Portuguese, produced by João Botas
Macau Today (em Português) (é necessário o Powerpoint instalado no computador; clique em Slideshow.)(in Portuguese) (Powerpoint needs to be installed in the computer; click on Slideshow.)
Chen Yu - Transformation of Waterfront Space in Asian Cities: Macau, Hong Kong, Shanghai, 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) 2009 Amsterdam/Delft
Cecília Jorge - Macanese, endangered species - publicado no Macau Daily Times, 7 de Outubro de 2010, logo após a morte de published in Macau Daily Times, 7 Oct 2010, soon after the death of Henrique de Senna Fernandes
Juliana Loh: Cha Gordo: Macau's 'fat tea' a celebration of Macanese cuisine and culture publicado no South China Morning Post 10 de Abril de 2015published in the South China Morning Post 10 Apr2015

Patuá Language

Há um capítulo separado dedicado a Patuá, com o dicionário inteiro (com áudio), peças de teatro, etc.There is a separate chapter devoted to the Patuá, with the entire dictionary (with audio), skits, etc.

Batalha, Graciete Nogueira
Glossério do Dialecto Macaense - Notas Linguístas, Etnográficas e Folclóricas , Instituto Cultural de Macau 1988 Edição de Fundacão; Coimbra: Instituto de Estudos Românicos, 1977 - Glossary of the Macanese Dialect. The early definitive record of the Macanese dialect. In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Suplemento ao glossério do dialecto macaense: novas notas linguísticas, etnográficas e folclóricas - Supplement to glossary of the Macanese dialect. (In Portuguese) Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1988
Baxter, AN and de Silva, P: A dictionary of Kristang (Malacca Creole Portuguese)
Canberra: Pacific Linguistics/Australian National University 2004 (In English with an English-Kristang concordance)
Baxter, AN A grammar of Kristang (Malacca Creole Portuguese)
Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 1988
da Franca, António Pinto, Portuguese Influence in Indonesia Gunung Agung 1970 Djakarta - (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)
Senna Fernandes, Miguel and Baxter, Alan Norman Maquista Chapado - Vocabulary and Expressions in Macao's Portuguese Creole   Instituto Cultural do Governo da Região Especial Administrativa de Macau, 2004 - A splendid book, in Portuguese and English
Senna Fernandes, Miguel Filo di Quim A humourous and insightful article on nicknames (in Portuguese) Um artigo bem-humorado e perspicaz sobre apelidos
dos Santos Ferreira, José Camões Grandi da Nacão
Santos Ferreira, J "Adé"
Camões Grandi da Nacão Dialecto Macaense Edição de Fundação Á-Má-Kok, Instituiçao de Utilidade Pública, Macau 1982 - In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Dialecto Macaense Edição de Fundação Á-Má-Kok, Instituiçao de Utilidade Pública, Macau 1982
In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Doci Papiacam de Macau Instituto Cultural de Macau 1990 - In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Luz de Natal Dialecto Macaense Imprensa na Tipografia Mandarin Natal de 1990 - In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Natal - Amor, Paz, Alegria Dialecto Macaense Natal de 1986 - In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Natal Cristam Dialecto Macaense Imprensa na Tipografia Mandarin Natal 1990 - In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Papia Cristam di Macau - Epítome de Gramática Comparade e Vocabulário Dialecto Macaense - In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Poémia di Macau (Poesia e Prosa) Dialecto Macaense Obra Editada pelo Leal Senado de Macau em Comemoração do 4° Centenário da Sua Fundação 1983 -Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Miguel Senna Fernandes and Alan Norman Baxter Maquista Chapado - Vocabulary and Expressions in Macao's Portuguese Creole Instituto Cultural do Governo da Região Especial Administrativa de Macau, 2004 - A splendid book, in Portuguese and translated into English by Marie Imelda MacLeod
Senna Fernandes, Miguel Filo di Quim A humourous and insightful article on nicknames (in Portuguese) Um artigo bem-humorado e perspicaz sobre apelidos
Yule, Sir Henry, Hobson-Jobson: A glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive.
New ed. edited by William Crooke, B.A. London: J. Murray, 1903


A Guide to Catholic Shanghai Catholic Churches and Schools in Shanghai in 1937
Teixeira, Pe. Manuel Macau e Sua Diocese Macau Vol II Bispos e Governadores do Bispado de Macau
Imprensa Nacional 1940
Macau and her Diocese Vol II Bishops and Governors of the Bishopric of Macau. In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong
Teixeira, Fr Manuel A Precious Treasure in Coloane - The Relics of Japanese and Vietnamese Martyrs
Ed by Centro de Informação e Turismo Macau
Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Índice de autoresIndex of authors

Amaro, Ana Maria Três jogos populares de Macau - Chonca, Talu, Bafá
Secret Recipes of Old Macau - Dr. Pitter's Famous Tea and the Long-Forgotten Patrício's Tea
de Andrade e Silva, António Eu Estive em Macau Durante a Guerra
d'Assumpção, B de SF "Riri" The Shroud
The Burial at Sea
The Sealed Skeletons
The Floorwalker
The Corpse at Cacilhas Beach
The Funeral at St Paul's
The Miraculous Cross
d'Assumpção, HA Amaral and Mesquita
S. Paulo
Memories of World War II
We Macanese
Ball, J Dyer Macao the Holy City
Banham, Tony Hong Kong War Diary
Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941
We Shall Suffer There: Hong Kong's Defenders Imprisoned, 1942-45
Baptista, FJ "Joe" Marciano Baptista
Baptista, FM "Meno" Consoada
The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)
Goodbye to All That Memories of post-war Hong Kong
Baptista, LF Pardal, Bico-chumbo e Otro pastro-pastro Macaísta
Chivit, Boca-sujo, e mas Pastro-Pastro Macaísta
Baptista, Marciano "Naneli" Album of drawings
Baptista, Rudolfo Christmas Customs of Macau
Barbeiro, Augusto de Souza Cadastro das Vias e Outros Lugares Públicos de Cidade de Macau
Batalha, Graciete Nogueira Glossério do Dialecto Macaense - Notas Linguístas, Etnográficas e Folclóricas
Lingua di Macau -- O que Foi e o que É
Suplemento ao glossério do dialecto macaense: novas notas linguísticas, etnográficas e folclóricas
Baxter, Alan Norman A grammar of Kristang (Malacca Creole Portuguese).
A dictionary of Kristang
Boxer, CR Fidalgos in the Far East, 1550-1770
Four Centuries of Portuguese Expansion, 1415-1825
Portuguese Conquest and Commerce in Southern Asia: 1500-1750
The Portuguese seaborne empire, 1415-1825
Portuguese Society in the Tropics
Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire 1415-1825
Women in Iberian Expansion Overseas 1415 - 1815
Seventeenth Century Macao in Contemporary Documents and Illustrations
Braga, JP The Portuguese in HK and China
Braga, Stuart The Governor from Hell
The Border Gate
Surrender, or we'll flatten Macau
By the Skin of its Teeth
Monte Fort
The Great Typhoon of 1874
An Unexampled Calamity The Hong Kong Plague of 1894
Guia - fortress, chapel and lighthouse
Great Days The great days of Macau
Trials and Tribulations The ups and downs faced by Macau over centuries
Brookshaw, David Imperial Diasporas and the Search for Authenticity - The Macanese Fiction of Henrique de Senna Fernandes
Cannon, Melania Dawn Experience, Memory and the Construction of the Past: Remembering Macau 1941-1945
Chan, Catherine S 'Empire' Drifters: The Macanese in British Hong Kong, 1841-1941 PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, July 2019
Clemens, John Discovering Macau
do Carmo, Maria Helena Mercadores do ópio
Coates, Austin Macao and the British
A Macao Narrative
Coelho, Beltrão, Album Macau - People, Places and Experiences
Album Macau 1844-1974
Album Macau - Memória da Cidade (Glimpses of the Past)
Conner, Patrick George Chinnery, 1744-1852, artist of India and the China coast
Correa, Anthony The Sorry Treatment of our War Heroes
Correa, Frank Frank's Story -Short autobiography, including experiences during World War II
Correa, J. Bosco The Fighting Lorchas of Macau
O Ataque e a Derrota dos Holandeses em Macau, 24 de Junho de 1622The Dutch Attack and Rout at Macau, 24 June 1622
Reminiscences of the end World War II
Doling, Annabel Macau on a Plate
d'Eça, Nuno Loureiro Adeus Macau
Endacott, GB History of Hong Kong
Fisher, Les I Will Remember - Recollections and Reflections on Hong Kong 1941 to 1945 - Internment and Freedom
Forjaz, Jorge Familias Macaenses Vols I-III
Forjaz, Jorge, Familias Macaenses Vols I-VI, ISBN 978-99965-886-1-7 Albergue SCM e Bambu - Sociedade e Artes Limitada, Macau, Março 2017. (The second edition of the definitive work on Macanese genealogy, with thousands more names and photos. In Portuguese.)
Os Luso-Descendentes da Índia Portuguesa Portuguese families in India, including many of the ancestors of families in Macau. In Portuguese.
Forster, Penelope From Prison Camp to Priesthood
da Franca, António Pinto Portuguese Influence in Indonesia
Garrett, Richard J. The Defences of Macau: Forts, Ships and Weapons over 450 Years
Gomes, Daniel R A Macanese Entrepreneur - Memories of some members of the Gomes family
Gosano, J "Zinho" Autobiography
Gosano, Eddie Eddie Gosano — Hong Kong Farewell . Read Extract
Gosano, LG "Luigi" Autograph book
Grills, Peter Familia Ribeiro
Guillen-Nunez, Cesar Macau
Guimarães e Freitas, José de Aquino Memoria sobre Macao
Guterres, Alberto The Noronha Twins
Hoe, Susanna The Private Life of Old Hong Kong. Western Women in the British Colony 1841-1941
Hsu, Rebecca Gas Cookery Book
Huang, M Sons of La Salle Everyone : a History of La Salle College and Primary School, 1932-2007
Hutcheon, Robin Chinnery: the man and the legend
Ingrams, Harold Who are the true citizens?
Jackson, Annabel Taste of Macau
Jorge, Cecília Album Macau - People, Places and Experiences
Album Macau 1844-1974
Album Macau - Memória da Cidade (Glimpses of the Past)
Macanese Cooking
Macanese, endangered species
Jorge, Graça Pacheco A Cozinha de Macau da Casa do Meu Avô
Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese - An Outline History of their Origin and their Voyages of Discovery
Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong : an illustrated history, volume 1: 2007, volume 2: 2010 Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses and Instituto Internacional de Macau - These important books do much to record and celebrate the people who over several generations came from Macau to make a new life in the nearby British colony.
The Portuguese Community in Shanghai : A Pictorial History
Diaspora Macaense to California
Koo, B In Search of a Better World
Ljungstedt, Andrew An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China
Lo, Louis Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Lopes, António Vicente "Tony" Receitas da Cozinha Macaense
Loureiro, João M Postais Antigos MacauMacau Antique Postcards
Lubeck, Carlos Autobiography
Machado, Leonor Sá Lesser Known Historical Stories of Macau
Mamak, Alexander In search of a Macanese cookbook
Manso, Maria de Deus Beites Escravatura, concubinagem e casamento em Macau: séculos XVI-XVIII Slavery, concubinage and marriage in Macau: 16th-18th centuries (in Portuguese) – Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Maria de Deus Beites Manso
Marreiros, Victor Marreiros_Dia_de_S_Joao_1 Dia de S. João — A plaque by Victor Marreiros celebrating the 400th anniversary of the battle of Macau on 24 June 1622, in which a large invading Dutch army was defeated by a small force of defenders, augmented by local volunteers.
McNaughton, HP The Friendly Portuguese
de Mello e Senna, Maria Celestina Bons Petiscos por Celestina
Montalto de Jesus, CA Historic Macao
Muto, Chozo The Omura Manuscript
Ng, Maria Pilgrimages: Memories of Colonial Macau and Hong Kong
Nishiyama, Marcelo A study of the church of St. Paul in Macao and the transformation of Portuguese architecture
Nuñez, César Guillén Macao's Church of Saint Paul: A Glimmer of the Baroque in China
Ore, Harry Macao Lullaby
Ozorio, Anne From Macau through China to India and Burma - Hong Kong Portuguese in the Chindits
Programme of Concert
Peebles, Shayama Old Protestant Cemetary in Macau
Pereira, Giovanni Dining in the Algarve
Food of the Regions of Portugal
Festa das Sardinhas
Mountain Firewater
O Vinho do Porto
Os Verdinhos
Terra de Bacalhau
Porter, Jonathan Macau: The Imaginary City--Culture and Society, 1557 to the Present
Rangel, Alexandra Sofia Filhos da Terra - A comunidade Macaense, Ontem e Hoje
Remedios, Jorge Talu A popular children's game in Macau and Hong Kong
Aunty Albertina's School, A school for Macanese children in Homantin
Our Bairro, Reminiscences of childhood
Macanese Language
Remedios, Raquel de Carvalho Bela Vista - Recollections of a Wartime Childhood
Ribeiro, Ligia Pinto Programme of Concert
Ribeiro, Luiz "Luigi" Vieira An Account of my war experiences and subsequent imprisonment under the Japanese
Rivero, Leonard History of Portuguese in Shanghai
Rocha Vieira, Vasco Todos os portos as que cheguei Dec 2010 Pedro Vieira/Gradiva Publicações, S.A. - An important book by the last Portuguese Governor of Macau. There are several chapters on Macau.
Rozario, Cicero Experiences at Shamshuipo and Sendai Camps
de Sa, Luis Andrade Portugueses em Hong Kong
dos Santos Ferreira, José Camões Grandi da Nacão
Doci Papiacam de Macau
Luz de Natal
Natal - Amor, Paz, Alegria
Natal Cristam
Papia Cristam di Macau - Epítome de Gramática Comparade e Vocabulário
Poémia di Macau (Poesia e Prosa)
de Seabra, Leonor Diaz Escravatura, concubinagem e casamento em Macau: séculos XVI-XVIII Slavery, concubinage and marriage in Macau: 16th-18th centuries. In Portuguese) – Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Maria de Deus Beites Manso
Macau e os jesuítas na China (séculos XVI e XVII) (Macau and the Jesuits in China: 16th and 17th centuries. In Portuguese)
Pero Vaz de SiqueiraPero Vaz de Siqueira
de Senna Fernandes, Henrique A-Chan, A Tancareira
Amor e Dedinhos de Pé
A Trança Feiticeira
Mong Há
Miguel Senna Fernandes Maquista Chapado - Vocabulary and Expressions in Macao's Portuguese Creole
Filo di Quim A humourous and insightful article on nicknames (in Portuguese) Um artigo bem-humorado e perspicaz sobre apelidos
Serro, Cíntia Conceição O Livro de Receitas da Tia/Mãe Albertina
Sheets, Andrew How the Post reported Hong Kong's first Olympics team
Silva, Armando Maria Jr "Pinky" Lt Augusto Maria Xavier USMC
Revisiting the Reed Brothers
Minchi: An Odyssey
Silva, Frederic "Jim" Portugal's Flag
The Spy Who Never Came Back
Peter the Cruel
On Macanese Nicknames
The Macanese - A Legacy of Portugal
Todo o Nosso Passado (All Our Yesterdays)
Portugal - Some Tales from her Past
Some war-time reminiscences
Words and Phrases
da Silva, Gil Vasco Figueiredo Autobiography
Da Silva, Jerome The Story of Arnaldo Frederico da Silva
de Silva, P A dictionary of Kristang
Smirnoff, George Vitalievich Macau Anos 40
Souza, Michael Life of a Veteran (biography of Henry Souza)
Tambling, Jeremy Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Teixeira, Pe. Manuel Galeria de Macaenses Ilustres do Século XIX
Toponímia de Macau Vol I & II
Templo Chinês da Barra Má-Kok-Miu
The Japanese in Macau
Vicente Nicolau de Mesquita
Pedro Nolasco da Silva
António Alexandrino de Melo, Barão de Cercal
António Joaquim Bastos
George Chinnery
Macau e Sua Diocese Macau Vol II Bispos e Governadores do Bispado de Macau
A Precious Treasure in Coloane - The Relics of Japanese and Vietnamese Martyrs
Seis sacos de terra portuguesaSix sacks of Portuguese Soil
Tudo para TodosEverything for Everyone
A Obra Benfazeja da PolíciaPolice Charity Work
Van Langenberg, Joyce Hetty (Experiences of Celeste Van Langenberg (Hetty) at the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific
Alex (Experiences of Alexandre Jorge "Alex" Alves at the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific, by Joyce Van Langenberg)
The Long March (Prisoners-of-war are incarcerated at Shamshuipo)
Escape from Shamshuipo Camp (Reggie Baptista's escape from POW camp)
Vieira Ribeiro, Luis "Luigi" An account of my war experiences and subsequent imprisonment under the Japanese
Villacorte, Rolando F Arnaldo da Silva by Rolando F Villacorte - A Macanese who took part in the Phillipine rebellion.
Watkinson, Suzanne Macau Grand Prix - an interview of Nana Barros about her father Eddie Carvalho
Wordie, Jason Macao: People and Places, Past and Present ISBN NO 978-988-12696-0-7 Angsana Ltd, Hong Kong 2013
Gloria Barretto's Hong Kong stories gave a glimpse of the city history (Article in South China Morning Post)
The Past Master (An article on the Hong Kong Legislative and Executive Councils, which mentions some prominent Macanese)
Shrinking community still has big role to play in HK (Article on Sir Rober Lobo's public service and private career)
Covert War Mission (Article on Sir Roger Lobo's role in forestalling a Chinese takeover of Hong Kong.)
Wright, Arnold Twentieth Century Impressionsof Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports in China
Xavier, Roy Eric The Happy Valley Race Course Fire of 1918
Yule, Sir Henry Hobson-Jobson: A glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive.
Yvan, Melchior Six Months among the Malays and a Year in China
Yvanovich, Philippe My Wartime Experience (An edited version of a privately produced and distributed booklet.)