Comentários não-solicitados

As respostas dos colaboradores têm sido invariavelmente encorajadoras e revelam o interesse e orgulho que as pessoas têm na sua herança macaense e a sua paixão pela preservação da cultura.

Em alguns dos casos editei os comentários para preservar o anonimato dos autores.

Fiquei particularmente satisfeito ao saber de alguns casos em que a página permitiu a alguns membros anteriormente desconhecidos, de serem descobertos pela família e unirem-se à mesma pela primeira vez.

Unsolicited Comments

The responses from contributors have invariably been encouraging and reveal the interest and pride that people have in their Macanese heritage and their passion for preserving the culture.

In some cases I have edited the comments to preserve the anonymity of the authors.

I was particularly pleased to learn of cases where the website allowed previously unknown members of a family to be discovered and the family to be united for the first time.

  1. Thank you once again for the fantastic website I just want to thank you very much for helping me finding my father's family. ... I have in the meantime found my sister ... and met with her in [...]. ... Her children are very excited about their mother having a sister and they said they now finally have some real cousins!
  2. Was completely blown away by the magnificent job you have done to preserve our heritage and record those who went before us.
  3. What a massive job!!  What's the reward for doing this!?  A great place in heaven!!
  4. I can't thank you enough ... You probably don't appreciate how valuable a role your work has played in reuniting family members who have lost each other due to some break in their relationship in the past. ... Your labour on the website has made it all possible. Bless you!
  5. ... thank you and congratulate you for producing the Macanese Family Tree.
  6. What a fabulous job you have done and continue to do.  I will definitely be spending some time browsing through it
  7. Many thanks for the compilation of the Macanese Families.
  8. Please accept my thanks for having done such an excellent job.  The entire Macanese community should commend you for this hard work. 
  9. I have to thank you for this amazing project you have done.  It's amazing and I've gotten some answers to questions I''ve always wanted answered. 
  10. My children have often asked me about my heritage and NOW I can show them in great detail my antecedents and relatives in Macao and HK, thanks to your extraordinarily well documented web site.
  11. I've been using your database for a couple of months and wanted to thank you for the fantastic effort.
  12. Thank you very much for putting together this website with such valuable information.
  13. ... want to take this opportunity to tell you what a great job you've done.  Its a wonderfully interesting and very informative.  Thank you so very much.  That's a great photo of my Dad that you've got posted---I have never seen that shot before! 
  14. A friend sent me your monumental work on Macanese family trees. Congratulations! 
  15. Thank you for your wonderful website.
  16. What a great job you did!  It's so nice to trace back how my family came to America.
  17. I heartily congratulate you on your website. It was, indeed, a colossal undertaking on your part. You have enriched the lives of the Macanese for which many of my relatives and friends and I are grateful and we thank you.
  18. Congratulations and thank you for such a fantastic effort.
  19. I've always wanted to dig into my background etc. and now you have given us the chance to find out more about our families.
  20. Thank you for taking on such a tremendous task and WELL DONE. 
  21. What a fantastic job you have done. ... and I couldn't believe it. I don't know how you didn't get totally overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. Our boys were so impressed to see their names on it and it was great to see all the old pictures of Dad. You have made it so easy for us to now trace our heritage...Thank you!
  22. Congratulations on the fine piece of work that you have accomplished in transferring "The Book" on to the internet. Being totally Americanized and unable to read Portuguese it is truly a blessing.
  23. ...must commend you on the incredible work you have put into it.  It is wonderful for our community to be able to access information about the macanese that we all find interesting.  Good job!!!!  Well done!!!!
  24. ...thank you and congratulations to you for all the hard work you put into making this website a reality. It is a terrific resource and I will avail myself of it often.
  25. It was so nice to browse through the Macanese Family Tree
  26. I have been passed on your wonderful attempt to create the Macanese Family Tree and I do not envy your task which is huge.
  27. Congratulations on a job very well done!  It's fantastic that our Macanese community family history is being recorded. 
  28. ... many thanks for this great site and info and photos! what a work of love
  29. Once again, thanks for all the time and effort you are putting into this.
  30. Thank you for your wonderful and informative site
  31. I just wanted to congratulate you on the magnificent job you did on your Macanese Family Tree
  32. Many thanks for your wonderful work on our unique heritage!
  33. I just saw your incredible website.  I really enjoyed going through it, as did my family.  It is full of really interesting information about "our" FM community.
  34. I just wanted to thank you for your dedication and hard work
  35. I wish to endorse and congratulate you for your efforts.
  36. Thanks again for all your effort. It must have taken a lot of time and effort to do this and I would like to thank you, your daughter, Anne and whoever else was involved.
  37. What a tremendous undertaking and so very well done.  Kudos to you and my thanks for giving all of us a place of pride and history of our own on the web.
  38. Congratulations on your tremendous achievement. 
  39. The Macanese Families owe you a large debt of gratitude for this labour of love or duty.
  40. Carry on with the good work!
  41. ... forwarded your wonderful masterpiece to me and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your having put it together. It's a work of art indeed.
  42. I am writing to thank you for the huge research you did for the above subject.
  43. Thank you for all the work you are doing. 
  44. ... thank you very much for the monumental task in compiling the Macanese Family Tree.
  45. I wanted to thank you for putting this incredible feat online for all of us. Your website is awesome! All I hear are rave reviews. Keep up the great work.
  46. Very impressive! 
  47. It was with great excitement that I read your article in the current issue of the UMA Newsletter...WOW! The information you sent is overwhelming.
  48. Allow me to congratulate you on the wonderful job you are doing.  It is priceless piece of work, and a real boon to those in the worldwide Macanese community whose primary language is English. I had heard that you were working on this massive project, and to see it today in its final form is a revelation. It is truly a magnum opus of which you should be extremely proud.
  49. I just read your article in the UMA news bulletin, and am astounded to learn that you have entered all 44,000 names from Forjaz's three volumes.
  50. Thanks again for everything you have done to help preserve our ethnicity in an age when cultural and ethnic preservation is no longer a priority.
  51. ... let me thank you so very much for all the work that you have done on this site. It is much appreciated.
  52. You and your daughter are doing a FANTASTIC job to place the Macanese families online.  What a legacy! 
  53. I am very excited and thankful to hear of your monumental, generous, and precious effort in putting together 44,000 names from the Jorge Forjaz's 3-volume set of Familias Macaenses into an electronic computer database to be made available to the Macanese Community. It is indeed a valuable resource that is so much more easier, convenient, and current in our modern day technology of the 21st century digital age to utilize for the interested people in our macaense community to find their roots, and learn about their own macaense history, culture and heritage.
  54. I think what you have done in creating a database of the Macanese is fantastic.
  55. Best of luck to you in updating your wonderful website! I will share it with the rest of our family.
  56. I want to thank you again for all of your hard work!
  57. I am now even more proud of my heritage than ever.  Thanks you so much for the great website.  I am reading with awe, the vast information you have obtained regarding the Macanese genealogy. 
  58. I am so grateful for this information. This is such a treasure.
  59. It was amazing what you have sent to me. I told my daughter ... and she was so excited!
  60. I want to thank you for the amazing work you have done on the Macanese Families website!  Its WONDERFUL! 
  61. I had a wonderful time going through everything. You have done a phenomenal job and, on behalf of my family, I'd like to express my sincere appreciation for all your hard work in putting this history of the Macanese community together.
  62. I am so obsessed by it, almost addicted to it!    Every single day I visit it, and look through all the information which it contains.    I just love it
  63. I am extremely impressed by the complexity of your project.
  64. I can't believe what you have accomplished and the time you must have spent on this labor of love. 
  65. Thank you for the wonderful job you have done for the Macanese community regarding our genealogy. ... congratulate you on your efforts to help the Macanese community to trace their ancestors
  66. Many thanks for the information on your website.
  67. Thank you for all the work you put into making our heritage a computerized reality. 
  68. I just want to express my thanks to you for setting this most interesting and informative website on our Macanese people. I have to definitely give you credit!
  69. What a labour of love and passion: ... we owe Henry D'Assumpção, his daughter and contributors a huge debt. I'll look forward to exploring the site with my family and hopefully doing my small part in future to keep it thriving.
  70. Your site is excellent!  It must have taken a lot of work to set it up
  71. Wow, this site is so wonderful!!! Thanks so much for all your hard work; nice to find out more info and lineage about my family and ancestors. It is so fascinating, even found some people I didn't know were relatives. .... Thank you Henry and keep up all hard work!
  72. All credit to you for tackling this large task in order to continue to enrich the vast work already accomplished. As I have said on several occasions, my gratitude and esteem are boundless.
  73. I have viewed your website and was quite impressed. There is so much information that I am still trying to navigate through it all.
  74. You never stop to amaze me! I am just so inspired by your (undying) great passion, contribution, effort, etc. to attempt this monumental task.
  75. The website is great!
  76. I love your website of
  77. Thank you for compiling, I have learned so much about my family history from this website.
  78. I have just been introduced to your website by my cousins [... and ...] and would like to say what a fantastic site and what a lot of work has gone into it.
  79. I am amazed by what you have done. Your website continues to improve and has been praised by many of the FMs I know. Well done.
  80. Congratulations and thank you for achieving such a wonderful task!
  81. Your data base is simply awesome and I am looking forward to spending many hours on it!!
  82. I have only recently been given the link to your fantastic Macanese Family Tree website. I had heard some years ago that you were intending to do this but never imagined that despite its awesome scale you were still able to include so much detail all accessed in an easily navigable website. Many congratulations
  83. Thank you for taking on the laborious task of preserving the history of Macanese families. We are most impressed by your website and your meticulous attention to detail.
  84. It's absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for doing this, and for sharing it with me. I can trace some branches of my family back to Portugal in the 1700's!!! What a thrill!
  85. Thank you for the Macanese genealogy website that you have created. ...It's a wonderful resource and I am quite in awe of the task that you have begun.
  86. Your website is still gathering many admirers. What a great job you are doing for the community.
  87. Thank you for being so patient and for your devotion to preserving our culture. I am proud to be Macanese.
  88. Thank you for such a wonderful undertaking.
  89. I have browsed the families and find it very fascinating. I even learned a couple of things I didn't know. It is a wonderful compilation. You have done a great job.
  90. We truly appreciate all that you have done.
  91. I would like to congratulate and thank you for setting up this incredible web site for the Macanese families. I have no doubt that it will be treasured and used infinitum for generations to come.
  92. All that will be a good record for our kids and grandkids will be your website. So glad you took the time to do this fantastic work. All my kids have searched through it and had a lot of interest doing it. All the FMs should be grateful to you. Well done, and keep it up.
  93. I am thrilled to hear from you again and reaffirm that I do find the website of enormous benefit. I have read the Casa newsletters and am aware that you were formally recognized for your work done in this regard.I am not sure that I can find words to express my own deep appreciation of your efforts.
  94. I cannot begin to know how much of your time and effort this has taken you but I applaud and thank you for this undertaking.
  95. What a job! My hat's off to you once again for all you have been doing on this project.
  96. I have spent hours browsing through the website and have enjoyed revisiting the past, looking up details of my family and friends, especially the enormous record of the Vieira Ribeiros (on my maternal side). Many thanks for your hard work which I am sure have brought great joy to our Macanese people especially those included in your excellent database.
  97. I commend you on the huge task that you have undergone to compile the Mecanese Families Website and its continual updates (certainly not an easy task). Please be assured that I will be browsing through the website as well as introducing my children to it - after all it's part of their 'roots'.
  98. It is an excellent source of information on many MACANESE friends and relatives now living in various parts of the world. You have done a wonderful job.
  99. I can only try and imagine the monumental task you undertook when you converted those 40,000 names and data from Forjaz. For which we Macanese will always be grateful.
  100. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to promote our culture.
  101. Bravo, and my greatest thanks for the huge effort this must have taken to create.
  102. [...] forwarded your wonderful masterpiece to me and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your having put it together. It's a work of art indeed ...
  103. God bless you for the wonderful work you're doing.
  104. Once again, thank you very much for what you have done for the Macanese throughout the world as this is terrific ...
  105. Excellent web site. Thanks for creating and maintaining.
  106. Recently I became aware of your tremendous and fantastically successful effort in making the Genealogy of the Portuguese Community from Macao accessible on the Internet.
  107. Great job on the database, that took great dedication to complete such a large database of everyone's relatives. Thanks for taking the time.
  108. This is a fascinating web site and you have done a remarkable job on this.
  109. ... you have done a bloody good job putting this together
  110. ...thank you so much for sharing this very informative site, I have so enjoyed it.
  111. I thoroughly enjoy your website.
  112. Congratulations and many thanks for creating the registry. What a huge effort!
  113. I've been looking at the site...terrific! So much information especially for people like myself who have so little background.
  114. Thanks again so much for all you have done for us all! We are truly indebted to you and your family!
  115. Finding this depth of lineage was well beyond any dream I could have hoped for and we can only thank you for it. You are truly a saint!
  116. Great website ...
  117. Parabems on the excellent and interesting website and God Bless.
  118. I also want to compliment you on the outstanding job you did putting together this website. It will certainly be passed on to future generations, as a reminder of their roots. Thanks for the memories!
  119. Congratulations for your website that is an interesting project and also very important in preserving data and maintaining connexions between macanese families that are spread across many countries and continents.
  120. The website is really interesting and for those of us with little knowledge about Macau, it has been particularly interesting to learn about our cultural background.
  121. I have opened the website twice and found it amazing.
  122. Your site is brilliant. Congratulations!
  123. I am glad you wrote to me, as I was thinking of dropping a line to you and congratulate you on your site.
  124. Congratulations on producing something so informative!
  125. Your site is a great initiative, congratulations!
  126. Your website is such an important link to our Macanese ancestry and we truly appreciate all the hard work and dedication you put into it, thus ensuring that the younger generation will have the benefit of learning about our unique and rich heritage.
  127. I am just putting together our family, and must say I was very excited to find your website and find the abundance of information on it!
  128. My brother, [...], and I were very excited to review the website and see two pictures of our late uncle, [...]. We are proud filhos de Macau, even if born and raised in Los Angeles, California!
  129. Thank you. I have been researching my family tree and your website has been invaluable.
  130. Thanks for the wonderful website!
  131. Your site is really wonderful and very well set up. Congratulations!!
  132. ...congratulations on the website.
  133. Thank you for providing all Macanese with this link to their roots.
  134. Thanks for providing me with a piece of family history that has been unknown until now!
  135. I really appreciated all the work you have done
  136. I kept all the articles on your website and will show them to [...] and [...] so they can access your wonderful labour of love.
  137. I thoroughly enjoyed browsing through the website. What an incredibly wonderful piece of work and I certainly am so grateful that you took the trouble to put all that information together and are still updating the website. I know you must have spent hours and hours on this wonderful project.
  138. You made up an incredible website, and now all the Macanese can enjoy the browsing of our family tree etc.
  139. Thanks once again for the enormous amount of work you and you colleagues have put in so that we can browse through the history of our families.
  140. Appreciate what you are doing to keep our heritage alive.
  141. I just had the occasion to view you most fantastic web site. I personally like to thank you for the great labor of love creating the web site.
  142. It will be a wonderful aid in teaching my children more of their heritage as filo macau.
  143. Thank you for this enormous work that has been done to make this website!
  144. I enjoyed reading through your Macanese Families website and thank you very much for all the work and effort you put into it. It is a great source of information.
  145. What you are doing is a great service to the community. You are the Library and the source of information for the community! I am very proud of you, what you have done, and are continuing to do.
  146. Thank you so much for all your excellent work. You can't believe how excited I am to finally find out a little about my ancestry. I know I'll be delving into this website to find out as much as I can about our family tree.
  147. I must congratulate you on putting this website together. I know many of my 'filho-mac' friends are enjoying looking up their family tree. Thank you so very much for doing this.
  148. I enjoyed looking at the various sites of my parents and families. Thanks for this great website which I will share with my children and grandchildren.
  149. Keep up the Fabulous Job you giving to our Macanese Community!
  150. ...I would like to thank you for all you've done not just for me but the whole Macanese community...
  151. The work you did with the "families", their ancestors etc. is fantastic and very admirable. I am so proud of you.
  152. Thank you for keeping and maintaining this website - it does give me proud and humble.
  153. I was so amazed at the tremendous effort that you have put into your incredible site it must have taken you literally years to do this and I think that you by doing this have contributed more that anyone to the conservation of the Macanese culture ...
  154. Thank you for the monumental task you have undertaken to catalog the family trees of the Macanese families.
  155. Congratulations on a job well done.
  156. What an amazing treasure trove of information about the many people I knew.
  157. What a fabulous job you've done pulling together so much history of the Macanese. The more I dug into the site the more excited I got as so many relatives I never met, events I never knew about, recipes I never thought I'd see again, came to light in easy to retrieve and clearly written pages.
  158. You have provided an exquisite wonderful site.
  159. Thank you, wonderful job!
  160. ... am staggered by the amount of interesting information therein, especially the incredible compilation of surnames with relevant dates, relationships, even nicknames.
  161. I was thrilled to see your website as I am quite interested in finding out more of my heritage. Obrigado for all your work.
  162. Your website is incredible and I am amazed at the amount of information collected. It must have taken a lifetime to gather.
  163. What a wonderful piece of work and I cannot commend you enough.
  164. I was just able to access the magnificent website you have created. It is truly amazing the information you were able to assemble. Thank you for chronicling the information for our future generations.
  165. Please accept my congratulations for this amazing effort to put on line the family tree of the Macanese families.
  166. I think the website is fantastic. I was able to look back 8 generations ...
  167. You have certainly accomplished a great feat and we are ever so grateful.
  168. ... thank you so much for all the time and effort you have put into this project - it is indeed monumental - we do appreciate it.
  169. I congratulate you on this very valuable and well-appreciated work.
  170. ...thank you for the wonderful website you are really doing a service to Macanese relatives
  171. I've been busy and did not have a chance to go to the website until today ... and what a treasure I found. I saw a picture of my grandmother ... I was close to tears. ... Thank you again for this gigantic undertaking and helping all of us find our roots.
  172. We want to thank you for this wonderful, useful Website. Continue the great work you have done for the Macanese Families.
  173. Thank you for the wonderful work you do.
  174. I find your project very important and look forward to knowing my ancestors through it.
  175. I really want to congratulate you for this splendid project.
  176. ... my kudos to you for the fine job you are doing for the Macanese Families website.
  177. ...let me congratulate you on your excellent achievement by launching this Website, one that will benefit all of us Macanese people. I had a quick look at it, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out new relatives I was not aware I had. Quite amazing.
  178. I was thrilled to see your website, what an incredible thing you have done.
  179. Your work is of immense value for the Macaense Community around the world.
  180. ...please accept my acknowledgement of what you are doing as a wonderful contribution to the history of the Portuguese of Asia. there are many who have not benefited from Forjaz by virtue of their inability to read Portuguese and you are making the research and work available to them. Furthermore this is now web based, modern and understandable. Congratulations.
  181. It is a remarkable project and I congratulate you and your daughter on your accomplishment, and wish you continued success.
  182. have rendered a big service to our community.
  183. ... how much your work on this website is appreciated.
  184. Thank you for putting the data together. It is great work.
  185. Thank you for your website. It is wonderful and I am glad some of my friends told me about it. My best wishes for a job well done.
  186. ...I've been very impressed with the quantity and the quality of the content... Thank you very much for your time and effort in constructing it.
  187. I had a chance to review your site and it is fantastic!! Just when I thought there would be no way to trace back my father's side of the family's history, there it is. I am so happy as I have been able to trace my wife's side of the family in the US and back to Germany quite easily.
  188. Bless you for your time and effort in taking on such a humongous job. I feel we are a special nationality, and it is wonderful that there are people like you, who are doing such a great job in keeping track of our Macanese heritage for generations to come. Thank you.
  189. Obrigado, Henry for your perseverance and diligent work in organizing and making the information available globally. It is a monumental task you have taken on with such dedication.
  190. Please accept my compliments on the scope and depth of your work on the site. ... Thanks you again for your truly amazing efforts in documenting our collective history. It gives me a sense of connection to deep roots which I have missed for many years.
  191. Best wishes and congratulations on a great job.
  192. Your website is simply terrific and you have done a fantastic job.
  193. Thank you so much for making it available to the FMs. ... Once again thank you so very much for your colossal work.
  194. Very interesting web site ...
  195. This is a very interesting site and I am enjoying looking through it. Congratulations on putting it together.
  196. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for doing such a marvelous job for our people. I am sure you have spent an enormous amount of time gathering all that information, not to mention loading the information onto the website.
  197. Thank you for helping us retain our heritage.
  198. My cousin sent me the link to check out, it's awesome!!!!
  199. ... the site looks great
  200. May I extend my thanks and appreciation for this wonderful website.
  201. I am astonished at the website.
  202. ...congratulations on a wonderful website! And thanks for all your time consuming efforts getting it to this advanced stage! It is a great achievement on your part and something that has tremendous sentimental as well as historical value to all Macanese people, now, and for a long time to come!
  203. I am truly amazed at the amount of work you are putting into the website.
  204. Thanks again for yours phantastic work.
  205. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the incredible work that you have done on this important historical data. This is a huge project that you have undertaken, all those links from one person to another this in itself is challenging database to compile. The Community worldwide are deeply in debit to you and I hope down the road there will be recognition honors for your work. In any case please accept my humble thanks for this wonderful work. I had no idea and it opened my eyes when I entered you Website and saw the various links.
  206. I am so impressed with the website. You should be commended for the amount of work that you put into this. ... Thank you for putting this all together.
  207. Congratulations for your website, so much work gathering data! Thanks for sharing. ... I thoroughly enjoyed browsing through your website.
  208. I was just browsing through the website - very interesting. ... You've put a lot of work into it. It's great.
  209. Congratulations on your website ...
  210. It´s amazing! I´m highly impressed!
  211. I have just made my first connection with the site Macanese Families and have really enjoyed it.
  212. Your site is excellent.
  213. Let me begin by offering kudos for an excellent job you have done and are doing. It was difficult for many of us nossa gente to follow the volumes of Dr. Jorge Fojaz because of our limited knowledge of Portuguese; you have met our need eloquently, especially your depictions of relations of first cousins once removed, twice removed, etc. etc. You must have spent many a day on your website - it truly is a work of love, and the Macanese community is indeed grateful.
  214. I am thoroughly delighted with your fabulous website. ... Thank you for providing this valuable and captivating site.
  215. I was excited to find this site after a Portuguese/Macanese friend recommended it to me.
  216. I was fascinated by your website,... Many thanks for your efforts and I hope this site continues to provide ancestral information to all those who have ties to Macau by birth or ancestry.
  217. I am very impressed with the Macanese Families' website. I spent a good number of hours browsing through some of the very interesting stories / articles and especially our family tree.
  218. I am very thankful to you for making the website for all of us to be able to look into our Macanese ancestors' information. Please continue your good work.
  219. Thank you for your e-mail and congratulations on your good work on this website.
  220. First at all I must congratulate you for the outstanding works by producing excellent details of macanese ancestors so that the new generation have something to look back of the family tree.
  221. ...thank you for your attention and your care in maintaining the site
  222. This is a wonderful work and website that you have and I was thoroughly surprise about the information that is available.
  223. Many thanks for setting up this unique and informative website. Our community may be diverse and separated but we still have much in common
  224. The idea for the website is terrific, and I am sure a labor of love, and it is much appreciated!
  225. Thank you for a wonderful site.
  226. I attended your conference at the Encontro and was absolutely enthralled by the work you are doing and the website itself.
  227. I really enjoy going through the site it brought me a lot memories.
  228. Thank you for getting the 3 huge Macanese families books into a computerised format so that it is easier for all of us to access them.
  229. The website is fantastic.
  230. You have put so much work into it, it's amazing - well done!
  231. Congratulations for your website.
  232. ...very many thanks for all your help in Macau re the WONDERFUL site which you have built up of the Macanese families. ... Again THANK YOU for all you are doing
  233. I have got in and it is certainly quite extensive...congratulations and thank you so much for all your hard work and efforts.
  234. Thank you for all the work you have done for the future data of Macanese.
  235. You did an excellent job in putting this database.... Congratulations!
  236. I take the opportunity to congratulate you on a wonderful job you have done. Wonderful, interesting and very useful. Iou aproveita p'ra congratulá vos pelo bom trabalho qui já fazê... Bom, interessanti e ui-di útil.
  237. ... let me congratulate you for your website, it is amazing!
  238. Your site is absolutely brilliant!
  239. Thank you for this wonderful gift. It is the best Christmas present I have ever been given!
  240. Congratulations for the initiative!
  241. Absolutely brilliant! ... Thank you for doing this and keeping the FMs history going.
  242. I really enjoy your website as I learnt a lot about my family history and also inetresting stories about portuguese in the past living in Macau, Hong Kong & Shanghai,
  243. i enjoy very much, i am living old Macau everyday
  244. ... I am now in touch with all the siblings and we are all trying to contact the other lost cousins. Thank you for your contribution to this 'reunion'.
  245. Thank you for your help, and all you have done in putting together this wonderful resource!
  246. Thank you for the wonderful website of information.
  247. I have checked and used the website which is terrific and I will find time to learn more about our heritage and culture.
  248. Thia is a wonderful piece of historical work that will only become greater with time.
  249. Abraço, e muitos parabéns pelo excelente trabalho
  250. Thanks for all you do for the Macanese Community.
  251. ...thank you so much for putting together the web site - it's a fantastic resource!!! I've thoroughly enjoyed looking up my family history which would otherwise have been lost.
  252. I've just started looking at the website and it really is quite incredible. ... Thank you so much for all the time and energy it took to put this together.
  253. Thankyou for contributing to this wonderful web site!
  254. I really like your website. Its really interesting to look through and learn more about my family history.
  255. Thank you for your wonderful web-site.
  256. Thank you for the wonderful work you have done and are doing on the Macanese Families.
  257. The Macanese owe you a tremendous debt for all the time, effort and hard work you are putting into this labor of love.
  258. Keep up the fantastic work!
  259. ... what a huge piece of work!
  260. Thanks for all the hard work on the web site.
  261. You have done so much work on our Macanese heritage ...
  262. ...once again, thank you so much for setting up the much appreciated "Macanese Families" website for all of us.
  263. Thank you for the wonderful website you have been maintaining for the Macanese families.
  264. I love this website. I've never been able to find any info on my family since the most common databases only have US/European records. With this, I was able to go back 5 generations!
  265. I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your website and the massive undertaking of converting Mr. Forjaz's volumes into cross-reference charts. I met him briefly at the Encontro in Macau when his work was first made available. On behalf of my family, I want to convey our gratitude for this record of our genealogy.
  266. This is a wonderful piece of historical work that will only become greater with time.
  267. Thank you so much for all of the work you've done on this.
  268. I have been enjoying the site, especially the family charts and history ... Thanks for all your efforts in building and maintaining the site.
  269. Thank you again for your site, it is marvellous.
  270. The website is truly a treasure trove of our Macanese families history ...
  271. I'm truly amazed with all the work that has been put into this project. This site is great. I'm very happy and truly proud to be Macanese.
  272. Wow, I admire you for the huge job you took on to create and maintain this important website.
  273. This is another example of how your database allows families to reconnect with their heritage. The Macanese community worldwide should be eternally grateful for the wonderful work you have done. Thank you.
  274. Thank you so much for your wonderful website. I was in touch with [...] who used your website to help solve a decades-old family mystery for me - - and I am forever in her and your debt. ... Thank you so much for this website and for my new-found connection to my Macanese ancestors. ... I am still reeling with the joy of having discovered this wonderful piece of my family's history and can pass on this gift of connection to my own daughter and grand-daughter. My father was a historian and would have loved this so much. I know he is smiling on this discovery.
  275. Firstly, can I say how much I appreciate the Macanese Families website! There is so much information and it has been so helpful to me in putting my own part of the Macanese story together. ... Thanks again for a wonderful website.
  276. [...] told me about your website. I just joined and I am SO impressed! Thank you for all your hard work and I am amazed at the information you've put together. It will take me a long time - if ever - to get through it all but I will have a wonderful time doing it. ... Again, my thanks to you for an absolutely marvelous website. I can't imagine the years you've put in, and are putting in to it. But it must give you satisfaction to know that it gives so much pleasure to so many people.
  277. What a wonderful website.
  278. Your work is brilliant, much appreciated and a true homage to the historical past of the portuguese settlers.
  279. I also want to congratulate you for the wonderful site.
  280. I'd like to thank you for creating and maintaining this wonderful resource for our families! It is a treasure to be able to see all of our interrelationships and to research our ancestors! ... Thanks again for your inspirational work!
  281. Thank you for this wonderful site.
  282. ...where can I donate some funds to, so as the Macanese Families will go on forever.
  283. Thank you so much. This is a wonderful gift to the Macaense community.
  284. ...the site is AMAZING. So much there... THANK YOU.
  285. I must say I do find the website very informative and interesting. What a great way to keep our Macanese heritage alive! Congratulations on a fantastic website!
  286. Esta semana naveguei pelo site "Macanese Families" e como foi grata a minha surpresa ao ver a grandiosidade da obra! ... limito-me a agradecer o esforço por publicar tão maravilhosa obra, extremamente importante para a preservação da história de nosso sangue!
  287. In all my years, you website has for the first time in my life, brought to me a sense of identity. A matter that I must thank you for. ... With much thanks once again and thank you, thank you for putting together this extensive site which is surely a labour of love.
  288. ... I want to thank you for the wonderful work you are doing. I have been researching family history information for my children and your website has been an invaluable resource.
  289. I just marveled at all the time and patience you have exerted in making it so easy to read and find information. I just had to write and let you know how much we appreciate your efforts. Thank you so much.
  290. Thank you for organising such an interesting resource. It's a pleasure to browse and has been an immense help to keep our ancestry alive.
  291. ... I want to thank and commend you on the tremendous effort you must have put into this project.
  292. Many thanks for creating this wonderful website showing Macanese family geneology.
  293. Everytime I login to this site I feel so good like I am coming back home, so many things show here are all very interesting to me, I wanted you to know that I enjoy so much with all the hard work you put in include new modification and update informations.
  294. ... I would like to first thank you for your comprehensive work, and in particular, providing me with information of my family ancestry ... and thank you for your continuing interest and work in this very important and significant project that is so informative and valuable to so many of us throughout the world.
  295. ... I am grateful to your work on preserving the history of Macaenses ...
  296. Again, I can't thank you enough, Quito, for your tremendous contribution to our community and our family. You deserve a statue!
  297. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this.
  298. Thanks for all your work on this incredible project you have undertaken!
  299. ... the website is absolutely amazing!
  300. Thank you for putting together such a wonderful and informative website on Macanese families. The amount of information is simply amazing.
  301. I really find the website fantastic for researching our family history and having all the updated information from our side would be really good.
  302. Thank you for maintaining the Macanese Families website. The information has been invaluable.
  303. Thank you for putting together such a wonderful and informative website on Macanese families. The amount of information is simply amazing.
  304. Thank you again for all your hard work and this incredible gift to our people!
  305. i wanted to thank you so much for all you have done for all of us, i have spent hours looking up information and researching thanks to this great website ... God Bless you! We love your outstanding dedication!!
  306. My warmest thanks for your help and my gratitude for all the work you have carried out on behalf of the FMs.
  307. ...thank you so much for all that you do to display and update information on the Macanese families. It is greatly appreciated. All the best to you!
  308. I have been meaning to write to you to tell you how improved your web site is. It is much simpler to navigate and the layout is fantastic. I'm sure you've heard this many times already but the Macanese community is deeply in debt to you for having created this site.
  309. What an amazing website!
  310. Thank you for all your hard work!
  311. Thank you for your great effort in support of the Macanese families. Your web site has been a great tool for my research about my roots.
  312. I must thank you all for putting together the wonderful database on the Macanese families. It really helped me with my family history search a lot.
  313. My best wishes to you and my thanks for helping me find my mother's family.
  314. Really interesting site to me!
  315. Thanks again for your hard work.
  316. I would like to thank you for your wonderful site which makes it so much easier to track our ancestors.
  317. You've done a great job!
  318. You're the best, or as the young kids say these're the bomb.
  319. I am so grateful for this website. It is so wonderful to keep our culture and traditions alive, and to connect all of us. ... Thanks so much for what you do, it is great!
  320. I appreciate the efforts you go to in managing everything.
  321. ...thank you so much for the hard work you do in maintaining this site and Macanese Library.
  322. The information on your web is remarkable, amazing and absolutely great.
  323. Thank you for saving our culture!
  324. Thanks ..., it's a huge job to manage this site.
  325. Thank you so much for the immense work you have been doing with the website!
  326. ...always impressed by your work
  327. ...I love your site and it has been so helpful to me.
  328. Thanks again for all your effort & time spent on putting it all together.
  329. I just wanted to say thanks for all the work you've put in over the years. I couldn't have done some much of my family research without you.
  330. What a wonderful new, up graded data base, you must be highly commended,
  331. ... You are the greatest. ...
  332. I am amazed that you are still hard at work after all these years and that your passion to share your ever evolving labor of love of preserving our macanese heritage seems to be growing in more colorful and refreshing ways, to give us the viewers a historical resting place to appreciate our roots. ... I appreciate all that you did for me and continue to put a smile in all of us who had the opportunity to know you and your amazing and priceless gift that adds so much more meaning to each of our lives. ... Thankyou for all the history lessons and inspiration you have given us and continue to light up our lives in unimaginable and magical ways. You are truly a Godsend.
  333. I am IN AWE of the tremendous amount of work you have put into Macanese genealogy. Thank you.
  334. I cannot find words for your help, much much appreciated.
  335. Thank you for the wonderful resource of family history.
  336. ... so meticulously and beautifully detailed and want to thank you, but cant find the words to express. You are so kind. Thank you very very much for all you have done for me.
  337. Your website is an awesome source of information. Thank you for putting this together and keeping all this information safe.
  338. Wonderful work that you have done.
  339. Really grateful for your wonderful work as I was able to find my roots until the eighteenth century.
  340. Thank you, for this database. I have found many family pictures after my mother passing that I would like to share.
  341. Great website
  342. This is amazing. Thank you I am able to go very far back in my family history.
  343. Oh My Goodness, loving it!!! THANK YOU so very much for giving me access to this precious information! Words seem so inadequate at this time when we received the fruits of the hard labour put into this enormous project. I truly appreciate all the hard work of those that have contributed to it. ... Words are not enough to convey and express the gratitude I have for finding this ancestry history.
  344. I congratulate you and your colleagues on the wonderful Macanese Library. The website has been a great source for tracing my parents' families.
  345. Thank you again for your great work.
  346. Thank you!!! Words are not enough to convey and express the gratitude I have for finding this ancestry history.
  347. Thank you for this and the great work you have done.
  348. ... thanks for doing all the hard work.
  349. This site is an amazing resource to continue my family history research. So grateful for your efforts.
  350. Os mais sinceros parabens por uma iniciativa tão louvavel. Todos os macaenses devem ficar gratos por este trabalho. Parabens!
  351. So nice to finally meet you and thanks so much on your work spent on this incredible gift to us, Macanese.
  352. Thank you also for all the work you do for the Macanese community with the geneology website.
  353. Our family is so grateful for you and the work you have done. . .this is amazing. . .and so helpful with our family history searches.
  354. This website is definitely very meaningful and an amazing resource for those of us who've been trying to learn more about our family's history. I hope that you all will be able to keep this going for many more years!
  355. ...I do often think of you while browsing through the site, always so grateful (and in awe) that you are still maintaining it.
  356. Thank you for saving these recipes!!! I was thinking of starting a facebook page to see if I could get folks to add old Macanese recipes. Thank you!!!!!
  357. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the incredible work you've done in tracing all the Macaenses' ancestors. It's truly amazing to see how far we can go back, and I really appreciate your efforts in putting this together ... Thank you once again for all your hard work!
  358. ... Thank you and again, congratulations and big thank you for the great work!
  359. Thank you so much for doing this for our community!!! Viva!
