Francisco Lopes1,2
M, #22138
Outros detalhes Other details:
- Residence*: ; "Chinese. Emigrated to Peru and later converted to Catholicism, receiving the name of his godfather, Francisco Lopes. Moved to Macau in 1912 with his wife."
- Nacionalidade*: The nationality of Francisco Lopes was Chinese. Emigrated to Peru and later converted to Catholicism, receiving the name of his godfather, Francisco Lopes. Moved to Macau in 1912 with his wife.
- Nome alternativo: Nome alternativo.
- Nascimento*: Namtong.
- Casamento*: Maria Secundina Oroche.
- Falecimento*: Macau.
Maria Secundina Oroche1,2
F, #22139
Outros detalhes Other details:
- Nacionalidade*: The nationality of Maria Secundina Oroche was De origem IncaIncan.
- Nome-casamento: Lopes.
- Casamento*: Francisco Lopes.
- Residence*: ; Foi para Macau com seu maridoWent to Macau with her husband.
- Falecimento*: Macau.