Drawing by Naneli BaptistaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 31461#.
See also the album of his drawings.
Lest We Forget Frontispiece Lest We Forget p1 Lest We Forget p2> Lest We Forget p3 Lest We Forget p4

Portuguese Members of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps, 1941

Many Portuguese men fought – and some died – in the defence of Hong Kong during the Japanese invasion in December 1941. Prisoners of war were interned in concentration camps in Hong Kong and elsewhere, where more died.*

The defence of Hong Kong is recorded in an excellent website called Hong Kong War Diary created by Tony Banham. From that website I have extracted the names of HKVDC members who were Macanese (or married to Macanese) and the Units in which they served. Where possible, links are provided to their Person Pages in the Macanese Families website.

Another valuable source of information is the website of the Commonwealth War Graves Commision.

Prisoners of war recorded their signatures in an album drawn by Marciano Francisco de Paula "Naneli" BaptistaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31461. An attempt has been made to identify the signatures.
In the table below:

Any of these deaths would have been a tragedy for the family but imagine the grief in the Reed family which lost four sons in the battle for Hong Kong.


*   The Portuguese members of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps adopted in Prisoner-of-War camp a rousing marching song, "Maria da Fonte".
HdAHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1
Name, rank and number
signature,    Sendai = Sent to Sendai,    Nagoya = Sent to Nagoya,      =Died in battle ,      =Died in camp
Unit and location during battle
Alfred Ernest AblongHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31544, Corporal 2468 Ablong_AE_10_5_3Ablong_AE_10_5_3NagoyaNo. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building XD5
Reinald Sydney Ablong, Sapper 2974Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Mario Francisco Alarcon, Private 4053No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.1 Taikoo Office Argyle
Patrick Ed. d'Almeida, Private 2637 Unallocated HKVDC
Christopher Paulo d'Almada e CastroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32796, Captain No. 5 (Portuguese) Company
Luís Gonzaga d'Almada RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10111?, Lance Corporal 2726 Remedios_AlmadaRemedios_Almada Unallocated HKVDC
Miguel Ângelo d'Almada RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10133, Remedios_MAlmada_15_3_2Remedios_MAlmada_15_3_2 Private 3786 Unallocated HKVDC
P d'Almada Remedios, Private Unallocated HKVDC
Alfredo Henrique AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33971, Private 4544 Unallocated HKVDC
António Maria AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33879, Private 3581 class="balloon"> No. 5 (Portuguese) Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts
Dário César Luís de Selavisa AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 33824#, Private 3557 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Eduardo Vincente AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33966, Private 2809 Unallocated HKVDC
Elísio António Remédios AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4491, Private 5220 Unallocated HKVDC
Henrique Alberto AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33828, Private No. 6 (Portuguese) Company A.G.2 Taikoo Club
José Luiz Selavisa AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33839, Private 3582 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts
José Maria M. AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #34003?,) Lieutenant No. 5 (Portuguese) Company
José Maria Pompeia Loureiro Goulart de AquinoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #3126, Private NagoyaNo. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel XD5
"Sonny" J. d'AquinoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is probably #3125 Private 3562 Unallocated HKVDC
Carlos Victor Laurent ArnulphyHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #22065, Gunner 4688Sendai 2nd Battery
Alexandre Herculano Dias AzedoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5068, Lance Corporal 3087 Nagoya No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 3 'Cornhill' RNH XD5
Caetano Maria Dias AzedoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5063, Private 2324 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Benny Bendicto BalerosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6046 , Private 1644 Unallocated HKVDC
José Agapito Pedro BalerosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #35245, Private 1221 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.1 Taikoo Office Argyle XD6
Manuel Alberto BaptistAHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #19821, 1143 SendaiUnallocated HKVDC
Marciano Francisco de Paula BaptistaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31461, 1186 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company XD6
Robert Joseph BarnesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9447, Private DR298 NP SendaiField Ambulance
Alfonso Orlando BarrettoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32798, Corporal 1774 ASC Unit
António Conde BarrettoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16353, Private 3819 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Horácio João António BarrettoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #36038, Private 3369 Unallocated HKVDC
Noel Conde BarrettoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #36497, Lance Corporal Barretto_NCBarretto_NC No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club
Luís António de BarrosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #36770, Private 2437 Barros_LA DiedInCamp , No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club
Arture José Yvanovich de Castro BastoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2883, Lance Corporal 2877 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Carlos Pompeia de Azevedo de Castro BastoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2854, Lance Corporal 2964 No. 5 Portuguese Machine Gun Company
Carlos Alberto BotelhoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #37413, Private 3783 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory
Henrique Alberto de Barros BotelhoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #37696, Captain Commanding 3776 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company
António Manuel BragaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #14536, Lance Corporal Field Ambulance
Guilherme Maria BritoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #38067, Private 3200Britto_GMBritto_GM Unallocated HKVDC
Henrique Maria de BritoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #30336, Company Sergeant Major 1290 No. 5 (Portuguese) Company
Arthur James BrownHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4591, Lance Corporal 3685 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ
Edward Francis BrownHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #36797, Lance Corporal 3685 Brown_EF No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ
Henrique Maria Campos JrHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31684, Corporal GunnerDiedInBattle 4th Battery
Leonardo dos Reis CamposHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31682, Private 3708 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Reinaldo Augusto CamposHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #30395, Corporal 1383 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office
António Braz de CarvalhoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 35737#, Private 3150 SendaiField Ambulance
Thomas Manuel CastilhoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #47582, Private 3695 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club XD6
Alberto Eduardo Hendrickson CastroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #39791, Sergeant 3531 Field Company Engineers
Cosmo Donald Castro, Private 4978 Unallocated HKVDC
Fernando Maria Carvalho CastroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #39773, Private 3588 Unallocated HKVDC
Gerado Francisco Castro Private 3559 Nagoya Unallocated HKVDC
Roberto Armando Maria Carvalho CastroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #39774, Private 3560 No. 5 (Portuguese) Company
Francisco José CollaçoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16514, Lance Corporal 2155 NagoyaUnallocated HKVDC
Joseph Albert CottonHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10537, Gunner 5th (AA) Battery
Alberto Reinaldo da Cruz GunnerHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31459 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Artur Ricardo da CruzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #42575?, Private 3195 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory XD6
Renaldo Maria da CruzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #42362, Gunner Nagoya 3rd Battery
George A CruzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #42405? or #20602?, Private Sendai
Turíbio da CruzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #44934, Private Sendai Field Ambulance
Eneas Luciano da CunhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #23046, Lieutenant No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ
John Anthony Delgado, Battery Sergeant Major 2508Nagoya4th Battery
David E.M. Demee, Private 2637 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD6
William Forrest DudmanHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #28817, Battery Quartermaster Sergeant 4069 Nagoya 5th (AA) Battery
Eduardo Alberto Ribeiro FernandesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2372, Private 3856 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD6
Ignatius M. Fernandez, Battery Quartermaster Sergeant 4th Battery
Nemésio Gonçalo FerreiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31988, Private 3361 Ferreira_NGFerreira_NG Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Eduardo José de Figueiredo JrHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #43896, Private 3569 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
João Carlos da FonsecaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1206, Lance Corporal 3265 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Alberto Vicente FrancoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #44154, Private Nagoya Unallocated HKVDC
Eduardo Miguel Drysdale FrancoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #42610, Private 2447 Franco_EM Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building XD6
Domingo Pascual Fuertes, Private 3696 Unallocated HKVDC
Carlos Alfredo GaanHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #18450, Corporal Unallocated HKVDC
Flávio Maria GarciaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #29623
Hugo Albert GarciaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #60026, Gunner Garcia_HA Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
William Alec GarciaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17359, Lance Corporal 3130 Garcia_WAGarcia_WA Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ XD6
António Herculano Gill, Private 3564 Gill_AHGill_AH Nagoya 2nd Battery
Francisco António GillHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20950, Private 4072 Gill_FAGill_FA Field Ambulance
Artur Ernesto GomesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #23030, Corporal 3053 Gomes_AEGomes_AE No. 5 (Portuguese) Company
José Vicente GomesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #3210, Sapper 4724 Unallocated HKVDC
Henrique Francisco GonsalvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6036, Private 4073 Gonsalves_HFGonsalves_HF Field Ambulance
Belarmino Tomás GosanoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2674, Private 4512 Unallocated HKVDC
Germano Nicolau GosanoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5077, Private 3217 Gosano_GNGosano_GN Unallocated HKVDC
José Maria GosanoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #24336, Private 3710 Gosano_JMGosano_JM Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Luís Gonzaga GosanoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #24324, Private 3335 Gosano_LGGosano_LG Unallocated HKVDC
George Arthur GuterresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16782, Lance Sergeant 2164 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ
Joaquim Jerónimo GuterresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16853, Lieutenant DiedInCamp No. 5 (Portuguese) Company
Charles L. Gutierrez, Private 2720 Unallocated HKVDC
Eduardo Maria Bernardo GutierrezHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25106, Private 2720 Gutierrez_EMGutierrez_EM No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon
Marcos Maria GutierrezHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25027, Private 2430 Unallocated HKVDC
Gregório Maria Gutierrez JrHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25021, Private 3589 Gutierrez_MMGutierrez_MM No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building
Renaldo Maria Bernardo GutierrezHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #24298, Corporal 3671 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts
Roberto Maria Bernardo GutierrezHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25110, Private 1970 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office
Peter Norman Hunt aka Rozario, Driver Royal Army Service Corps also served with the British Army Aid Group
Edward F. HyndmanHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25473, Sapper DiedInBattle Field Company Engineers
Jose Maria JesusHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #23875, Private 1965 Jesus_JMJesus_JM Sendai Food Control (XD6)
Augusto Joanilho, Private Joanilho_AFJoanilho_AF NagoyaUnallocated HKVDC
Francis Jorge Private ASC Unit
Achilles Vicente JorgeHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #21258, Private 3124 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company XD6
John Henry Lawrence JrHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #15976, Private DR88STH K 29.5.42 CCC
Clementino Leonardo LopesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #15057, Lopes_CLLopes_CL Private 3590 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.2 Taikoo Club Argyle
Delano Vicente LopesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #21959, Private 3592 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club
Duarte Ferrer Delano LopesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #21960, Corporal 3591 Lopes_DFLopes_DF No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ
José Alberto da LuzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #26054, Private 2227 Luz_JALuz_JA No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel
Bernardino A. MarçalHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #46405, Gunner 3829 SendaiUnallocated HKVDC
Jaime Maria Hugo Victor MarçalHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #27792, Private 3594 Marcal_JMMarcal_JM Nagoya No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD5
Carlos António Yvanovich MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5061, Lance Corporal No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.2 Taikoo Club
Emmanuel S. MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4813, Private 2845 Marques_ESMarques_ES Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building XD6
José António Yvanovich MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5066, Private 3167 Marques_JAMarques_JA Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ XD6
Luís Gonzaga MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4431, Private 3771Marques_LGMarques_LG Unallocated HKVDC
Luís Zeferino MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4862, Private 3673 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ
Henrique A. Matthias Gunner 4707 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Miguel Mendonça No. 5 (Portuguese) Company
António Carlos NevesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #21140, Private 3596 Neves_ACNeves_AC Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Porphyrio Maria Nolasco da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1804, Lieutenant No. 5 (Portuguese) Company 2nd Lieutenant
António Eduardo NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #29538, Private 2812 Noronha_AENoronha_AE No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building
António Francisco NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #18449, Private 4056 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company
Augusto António NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25112, Private 3701 Sendai Field Ambulance
Edward Anthony NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16779lt="Noronha_EA" />Noronha_EA SendaiNo. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company
Francisco A. NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #29558, Private 3357 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 3 'Cornhill'
Guilherme António NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13360, Corporal 3674 Noronha_GANoronha_GA No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club
Henrique António de NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #29485, Lance Corporal 3598 SendaiNo. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.1 Taikoo Office Argyle XD6
Victor Maria NunesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #19819, Private 1595 Unallocated HKVDC
Manuel Heliodoro Francisco de Graça OsórioHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #30256, Gunner 4198 5th (AA) Battery
Gustavo Maria OsórioHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #19536, Private 2487 Ozorio_GMOzorio_GM Unallocated HKVDC
George Thomas PalmerHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25504, Lieutenant Field Company Engineers
AA Pereira, Private Unallocated HKVDC
Augusto Pedro PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31559, Corporal 2097 Pereira_APereira_A Nagoya No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD5
Cornelius Charles PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9301, Private Pereira_CCPereira_CC Field Ambulance
José António PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #30083, Private 3602 Pereira_JAPereira_JA SendaiNo. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ XD6
Roberto Luís PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #14712, Private 3603 Pereira_RLPereira_RL No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ
Carlos Luis Pinna Private 3725 Unallocated HKVDC
Henrique Roldão de PinaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13359, Private 4626 Unallocated HKVDC
Germano Augusto de PinaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9898, Corporal 1480 Unallocated HKVDC
Luís Gonzaga de PinaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32050, Lance Corporal 2001 Unallocated HKVDC
John Bernard Pomeroy, Gunner 940 Pomeroy_JBPomeroy_JB 1st Battery
Alfredo José Maria Gomes PrataHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32550, Private 3604 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building XD6
Manuel Gonzaga PrataHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32523, Private 3606 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Argyle 38
Arthur Augustus ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6120, Private No. 3 (Eurasian) Company
Edgar Vicente ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6115, Gunner 2798 No. 3 (Eurasian) Company
Francis Oswald ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6122, Gunner 2798 5th (AA) Battery
Reginald John ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6123, Private Reed_RJReed_RJ Unallocated HKVDC
Roberto Cirilo ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6114, Lance Bombardier 5th (AA) Battery
Steven ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6121, Private 3856 No. 3 (Eurasian) Company
A.M. Reis, Private No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts
Francis William ReisHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 38534#, Private 3391 Reis_FWReis_FW Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD6
Alberto Luís Vieira dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10526, Private 1223 Nagoya No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory XD6
Augusto A. Remedios, Private Unallocated HKVDC
Augusto Mário Olderico dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10550, Private 4209 Remedios_AMORemedios_AMO Unallocated HKVDC
Carlos Francisco da Luz dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10565, Corporal 3607 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts XD6
Eduardo Alberto Vicente dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10592, Private 1190 Remedios_EARemedios_EA Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.1 Taikoo Office Argyle XD6
Eugénio E dos Remédios, Private 3302 Remedios_EERemedios_EE Nagoya No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 17 Vehicular Ferry XD5
Heitor Marcus César dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10446, Corporal 4516 No. 3 (Eurasian) Company
Hugo Marcus Victor dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10447, Lance Corporal 3639 No. 3 (Eurasian) Company
Jaime Daniel dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9623, Sergeant 1293 Remedios_JDRemedios_JD Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
João Carlos dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9616, Sergeant 2223 Remedios_JCRemedios_JC Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD6
Jorge Augusto dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10606, Corporal 4058 Remedios_JARemedios_JA Field Ambulance
Jorge Frederico dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4598, Private 3125 Field Ambulance
José Julita Ribeiro dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9899, Private 3125 Unallocated HKVDC
LM RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9647, Private No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 17 Vehicular Ferry
António Eduardo RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1159, Private Ribeiro_EJRibeiro_EJ Unallocated HKVDC
Ernesto José RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1238 Private 3501 Ribeiro_EJRibeiro_EJ Unallocated HKVDC
Hugo Jesus dos Passos Teles RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2436, Private 3269 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel
António João Rocha, Lance Bombardier 4th Battery
Carlos Eduardo Rocha, Gunner 3439 Rocha_CERocha_CE Sendai4th Battery
Frederico António Hygino Lizola RochaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #594, Gunner 3438 Rocha_FAHLRocha_FAHL Sendai 4th Battery
L.A. Rocha, Lance Corporal No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon
Alberto Maria RodriguesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2853, Rodigues_AMField Ambulance
José Simão RodriguesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #11676, MBE Captain Infantry Officers
Lionel Maria RodriguesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #12615 Private No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ
César Augusto da RosaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #15826, Lance Corporal 2179 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory XD6
Mário Luís da RosaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #3991, Sergeant 2463 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon
Carlos Eduardo Rosa PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #14287, Private 3601 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.2 Taikoo Club Argyle
Álvaro António da RozaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #15058, Private 4060 Field Ambulance
Emmanuel D. Roza, Private 3324 Roza_ERoza_E Nagoya Unallocated HKVDC
Cícero Laertius do RozarioHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16222, Private 3612 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office XD6
Henrique de SáHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17556, Company Quartermaster Sergeant No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company XD6
Carlos Maria SantosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is possibly #18070 or #18085, Nagoya Private 3642 Santos_CMSantos_CM Field Ambulance
Frederico José Santos, Private 2982 Field Ambulance
J.A. Santos, Private Santos_JASantos_JA No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory
Cassiano Martin José SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13407, Private 3573 Sequeira_CMSequeira_CM Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
João Octávio SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13388, Lance Corporal 2091 Sequeira_JOSequeira_JO No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel
Luís Romano SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13270, Private No. 5 (Portuguese) Company
Marcus Herculano de SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13419, Private 3703 Sequeira_MHSequeira_MH Unallocated HKVDC
Vicente António de SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6148, Private 3614 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Ambrósio César da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #22530, Private 3615 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office
Carlos Maria da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6142, Lance Corporal 1380 Silva_CMSilva_CM No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts
Eduardo José Silva, Private 2407 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel
[Hermenegildo] Gildo Vicente da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6103, Private 2834 Silva_HVSilva_HV NagoyaUnallocated HKVDC
H.A. Silva, Lieutenant No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company
Leonardo José da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1208, Private 4084 No. 5 Portuguese Machine Gun Company
Leonel Maria Gomes da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6872, Private 3576 Unallocated HKVDC
Lionel António SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #8214, Private 3574 Unallocated HKVDC
Lionel Clemente SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #356, Private 3575 Silva_LCSilva_LC No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle
Marciano C.M. da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1036, Lance Corporal 2431 Silva_MCMSilva_MCM Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts XD6
Mario Maria Silva, Lance Corporal 1089 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts
Ricardo Domingos Silva Private 2185 Silva_RDSilva_RD Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts XD6
Roberto Maximo da Silva Lance Corporal 2402 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office XD6
Roque Maria da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6159, Private 4085 Sendai Field Ambulance
Sebastião Rui da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6098, Private 962 Unallocated HKVDC
Leslie Ernest SmirkeHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #60099, Private 2859 Nagoya Unallocated HKVDC
Alberto Carlos SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17464, Private 2440 Soares_ACSoares_AC No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club
Carlos Eduardo SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17473, Corporal 2162 Soares_CESoares_CE Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Francisco Maria SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17475, Private Soares_FMSoares_FM No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club
Henrique Alvaro SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17474, Private 2717 Soares_HASoares_HA No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Argyle
Luís António Maria Alves de Vasconcelos SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17455, Private 2421 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts
Mem Maria Alves de Vasconcelos SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17454, Corporal 1600 Soares_MMAVSoares_MMAV Unallocated HKVDC
José Tomás Placé de SousaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #18466, Sergeant 2157 Souza_JTPSouza_JTP Nagoya Unallocated HKVDC
Leonardo António de SousaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #19149, Private 3679 Souza_LASouza_LA Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office XD6
Roberto A Sousa, Private 2840 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company RNH XD6
Henrique António Souza, Private 3213 Souza_HASouza_HA Sendai Field Ambulance
Sylvio Sylvester SouzaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4596, Private 3577 Unallocated HKVDC
V.F. SouzaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #18867, Private No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office
A.A. Tavares, Lance Corporal No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory
6153Carlos do Monte Carmelo Victor, Private 3621 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle
José A. VictorHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32354, Lance Corporal 3622Victor_JAVictor_JA No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon
Carlos Alberto de Jesus Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1214, Corporal 1322 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 17 Vehicular Ferry XD6
Carlos do Monte Carmelo Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 1288#, Private 3619 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 17 Vehicular Ferry
Eduardo Vieira Ribeiro, Private 4059 Field Ambulance
Francisco Vicente Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1405, Lieutenant Ribeiro_FVVRibeiro_FVV No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon Pay Section
Henrique Augusto Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1045 or #1149, Private 2479 Ribeiro_HAVieiraRibeiro_HAVieira Sendai Field Ambulance
João Francisco Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1248, Private 3611 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company XD6
Lucio Maria [Vieira] RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1022, Private 3677 No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts
Luís Filipe Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1550, Private 3611 RibeiroLFVieiraRibeiroLFVieira Field Ambulance
Luís Gonzaga Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1314, Private 4548 Ribeiro_LGVieiraRibeiro_LGVieira Unallocated HKVDC
Ricardo Maria Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1185, Private 2478 Ribeiro_RMVieiraRibeiro_RMVieira Nagoya Unallocated HKVDC
Miguel Arcanjo Villa-CarlosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #45140, Lance Bombardier 3811 Nagoya 4th Battery
Joseph Nelson WilkinsonHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #44698, Gunner DR/31 DiedInBattle Killed on 18th December 1941 at Sai Wan AA Fort
William RJ WilkinsonHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17466, Private DR160 Sendai Argyle (XD6)
Anthony Padua XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4014, Lance Bombardier Xavier_APXavier_AP Sendai ASC Unit
André Corsino XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20625, Private 3393 Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts XD6
António Maria XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20848 or #13277, Lance Bombardier Xavier_AMXavier_AMSendai 4th Battery
Augusto F Xavier, Private Unallocated HKVDC
Calcotino M de P Xavier, Private 3725 Unallocated HKVDC
Herbert Joseph XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9449, Private 3633 Xavier_HJXavier_HJ No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company
José Hilario XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #41890, Private 3640 Xavier_JHXavier_JH Sendai No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle XD6
José Maria XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20849 or #2254, Lance Sergeant Unallocated HKVDC
Louis Augusto Xavier, Lance Bombardier 4540 Sendai Unallocated HKVDC
Reginaldo A XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20977, Gunner 3624 Xavier_RAXavier_RA Unallocated HKVDC
Philippe António YvanovichHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2679, Lance Corporal 3625 Yvanovich_PAYvanovich_PA No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel
Vicente António YvanovichHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2625, Private No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building
Luiz Zeferino, Private 3673 Unallocated HKVDC
Nicacio Francisco AndradeHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 45595#, Telegraphist, HMS Tamar RN
Hermilio Maria L. LarcinaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #23346, Signalman (XD6) Sendai Unallocated HKRNVR
Leonel Filomeno OsmundHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #26878, Telegraphist, HMS Tamar
Mario Tavares HKRNVR