Many Portuguese men fought – and some died – in the defence of Hong Kong during the Japanese invasion in December 1941. Prisoners of war were interned in concentration camps in Hong Kong and elsewhere, where more died.*
Any of these deaths would have been a tragedy for the family but imagine the grief in the Reed family which lost four sons in the battle for Hong Kong.
Name, rank and number
signature,  = Sent to Sendai,  = Sent to Nagoya,  =Died in battle ,  =Died in camp | Unit and location during battle |
Alfred Ernest AblongHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31544, Corporal 2468    | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building XD5 |
Reinald Sydney Ablong, Sapper 2974 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Mario Francisco Alarcon, Private 4053 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.1 Taikoo Office Argyle |
Patrick Ed. d'Almeida, Private 2637 
| Unallocated HKVDC |
Christopher Paulo d'Almada e CastroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32796, Captain | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company |
Luís Gonzaga d'Almada RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10111?, Lance Corporal 2726  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Miguel Ângelo d'Almada RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10133, 
Private 3786 | Unallocated HKVDC |
P d'Almada Remedios, Private  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Alfredo Henrique AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33971, Private 4544  | Unallocated HKVDC |
António Maria AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33879, Private 3581 class="balloon"> | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts |
Dário César Luís de Selavisa AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 33824#, Private 3557 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Eduardo Vincente AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33966, Private 2809  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Elísio António Remédios AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4491, Private 5220  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Henrique Alberto AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33828, Private | No. 6 (Portuguese) Company A.G.2 Taikoo Club |
José Luiz Selavisa AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #33839, Private 3582 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts |
José Maria M. AlvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #34003?,) Lieutenant | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company |
José Maria Pompeia Loureiro Goulart de AquinoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #3126, Private  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel XD5 |
"Sonny" J. d'AquinoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is probably #3125 Private 3562 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Carlos Victor Laurent ArnulphyHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #22065, Gunner 4688 | 2nd Battery |
Alexandre Herculano Dias AzedoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5068, Lance Corporal 3087 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 3 'Cornhill' RNH XD5 |
Caetano Maria Dias AzedoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5063, Private 2324  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Benny Bendicto BalerosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6046 , Private 1644  | Unallocated HKVDC |
José Agapito Pedro BalerosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #35245, Private 1221  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.1 Taikoo Office Argyle XD6 |
Manuel Alberto BaptistAHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #19821, 1143   | Unallocated HKVDC |
Marciano Francisco de Paula BaptistaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31461, 1186 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company XD6 |
Robert Joseph BarnesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9447, Private DR298 NP   | Field Ambulance |
Alfonso Orlando BarrettoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32798, Corporal 1774 | ASC Unit |
António Conde BarrettoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16353, Private 3819 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Horácio João António BarrettoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #36038, Private 3369 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Noel Conde BarrettoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #36497, Lance Corporal 
| No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club |
Luís António de BarrosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #36770, Private 2437  , | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club |
Arture José Yvanovich de Castro BastoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2883, Lance Corporal 2877  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Carlos Pompeia de Azevedo de Castro BastoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2854, Lance Corporal 2964  | No. 5 Portuguese Machine Gun Company |
Carlos Alberto BotelhoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #37413, Private 3783 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory |
Henrique Alberto de Barros BotelhoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #37696, Captain Commanding 3776 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company |
António Manuel BragaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #14536, Lance Corporal | Field Ambulance |
Guilherme Maria BritoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #38067, Private 3200 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Henrique Maria de BritoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #30336, Company Sergeant Major 1290 | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company |
Arthur James BrownHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4591, Lance Corporal 3685  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ |
Edward Francis BrownHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #36797, Lance Corporal 3685 
| No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ |
Henrique Maria Campos JrHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31684, Corporal Gunner | 4th Battery |
Leonardo dos Reis CamposHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31682, Private 3708  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Reinaldo Augusto CamposHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #30395, Corporal 1383 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office |
António Braz de CarvalhoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 35737#, Private 3150   | Field Ambulance |
Thomas Manuel CastilhoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #47582, Private 3695  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club XD6 |
Alberto Eduardo Hendrickson CastroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #39791, Sergeant 3531 | Field Company Engineers |
Cosmo Donald Castro, Private 4978  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Fernando Maria Carvalho CastroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #39773, Private 3588  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Gerado Francisco Castro Private 3559 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Roberto Armando Maria Carvalho CastroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #39774, Private 3560  | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company |
Francisco José CollaçoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16514, Lance Corporal 2155   | Unallocated HKVDC |
Joseph Albert CottonHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10537, Gunner | 5th (AA) Battery |
Alberto Reinaldo da Cruz GunnerHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31459  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Artur Ricardo da CruzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #42575?, Private 3195 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory XD6 |
Renaldo Maria da CruzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #42362, Gunner | 3rd Battery |
George A CruzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #42405? or #20602?, Private | |
Turíbio da CruzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #44934, Private 
| Field Ambulance |
Eneas Luciano da CunhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #23046, Lieutenant | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ |
John Anthony Delgado, Battery Sergeant Major 2508 | 4th Battery |
David E.M. Demee, Private 2637  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD6 |
William Forrest DudmanHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #28817, Battery Quartermaster Sergeant 4069  | 5th (AA) Battery |
Eduardo Alberto Ribeiro FernandesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2372, Private 3856  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD6 |
Ignatius M. Fernandez, Battery Quartermaster Sergeant | 4th Battery |
Nemésio Gonçalo FerreiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31988, Private 3361  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Eduardo José de Figueiredo JrHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #43896, Private 3569  | Unallocated HKVDC |
João Carlos da FonsecaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1206, Lance Corporal 3265  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Alberto Vicente FrancoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #44154, Private  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Eduardo Miguel Drysdale FrancoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #42610, Private 2447  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building XD6 |
Domingo Pascual Fuertes, Private 3696 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Carlos Alfredo GaanHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #18450, Corporal | Unallocated HKVDC |
Flávio Maria GarciaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #29623 |
Hugo Albert GarciaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #60026, Gunner  | Unallocated HKVDC |
William Alec GarciaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17359, Lance Corporal 3130  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ XD6 |
António Herculano Gill, Private 3564  | 2nd Battery |
Francisco António GillHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20950, Private 4072  | Field Ambulance |
Artur Ernesto GomesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #23030, Corporal 3053  | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company |
José Vicente GomesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #3210, Sapper 4724 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Henrique Francisco GonsalvesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6036, Private 4073  | Field Ambulance |
Belarmino Tomás GosanoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2674, Private 4512 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Germano Nicolau GosanoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5077, Private 3217  | Unallocated HKVDC |
José Maria GosanoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #24336, Private 3710  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Luís Gonzaga GosanoHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #24324, Private 3335  | Unallocated HKVDC |
George Arthur GuterresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16782, Lance Sergeant 2164 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ |
Joaquim Jerónimo GuterresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16853, Lieutenant | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company |
Charles L. Gutierrez, Private 2720 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Eduardo Maria Bernardo GutierrezHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25106, Private 2720  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon |
Marcos Maria GutierrezHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25027, Private 2430 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Gregório Maria Gutierrez JrHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25021, Private 3589  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building |
Renaldo Maria Bernardo GutierrezHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #24298, Corporal 3671 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts |
Roberto Maria Bernardo GutierrezHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25110, Private 1970 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office |
Peter Norman Hunt aka Rozario, Driver | Royal Army Service Corps also served with the British Army Aid Group |
Edward F. HyndmanHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25473, Sapper | Field Company Engineers |
Jose Maria JesusHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #23875, Private 1965  | Food Control (XD6) |
Augusto Joanilho, Private   | Unallocated HKVDC |
Francis Jorge Private | ASC Unit |
Achilles Vicente JorgeHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #21258, Private 3124 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company XD6 |
John Henry Lawrence JrHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #15976, Private DR88 | STH K 29.5.42 CCC |
Clementino Leonardo LopesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #15057,  Private 3590 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.2 Taikoo Club Argyle |
Delano Vicente LopesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #21959, Private 3592  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club |
Duarte Ferrer Delano LopesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #21960, Corporal 3591  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ |
José Alberto da LuzHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #26054, Private 2227  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel |
Bernardino A. MarçalHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #46405, Gunner 3829  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Jaime Maria Hugo Victor MarçalHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #27792, Private 3594  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD5 |
Carlos António Yvanovich MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5061, Lance Corporal | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.2 Taikoo Club |
Emmanuel S. MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4813, Private 2845  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building XD6 |
José António Yvanovich MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #5066, Private 3167  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ XD6 |
Luís Gonzaga MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4431, Private 3771 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Luís Zeferino MarquesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4862, Private 3673 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ |
Henrique A. Matthias Gunner 4707 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Miguel Mendonça | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company |
António Carlos NevesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #21140, Private 3596  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Porphyrio Maria Nolasco da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1804, Lieutenant No. 5 (Portuguese) Company | 2nd Lieutenant |
António Eduardo NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #29538, Private 2812  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building |
António Francisco NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #18449, Private 4056 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company |
Augusto António NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25112, Private 3701 | Field Ambulance |
Edward Anthony NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16779lt="Noronha_EA" />  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company |
Francisco A. NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #29558, Private 3357 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 3 'Cornhill' |
Guilherme António NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13360, Corporal 3674  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club |
Henrique António de NoronhaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #29485, Lance Corporal 3598  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.1 Taikoo Office Argyle XD6 |
Victor Maria NunesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #19819, Private 1595 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Manuel Heliodoro Francisco de Graça OsórioHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #30256, Gunner 4198  | 5th (AA) Battery |
Gustavo Maria OsórioHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #19536, Private 2487  | Unallocated HKVDC |
George Thomas PalmerHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #25504, Lieutenant | Field Company Engineers |
AA Pereira, Private | Unallocated HKVDC |
Augusto Pedro PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #31559, Corporal 2097  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD5 |
Cornelius Charles PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9301, Private  | Field Ambulance |
José António PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #30083, Private 3602   | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ XD6 |
Roberto Luís PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #14712, Private 3603  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle HQ |
Carlos Luis Pinna Private 3725 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Henrique Roldão de PinaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13359, Private 4626 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Germano Augusto de PinaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9898, Corporal 1480 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Luís Gonzaga de PinaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32050, Lance Corporal 2001 | Unallocated HKVDC |
John Bernard Pomeroy, Gunner 940  | 1st Battery |
Alfredo José Maria Gomes PrataHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32550, Private 3604 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building XD6 |
Manuel Gonzaga PrataHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32523, Private 3606 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Argyle 38 |
Arthur Augustus ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6120, Private | No. 3 (Eurasian) Company |
Edgar Vicente ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6115, Gunner 2798 | No. 3 (Eurasian) Company |
Francis Oswald ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6122, Gunner 2798 | 5th (AA) Battery |
Reginald John ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6123, Private  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Roberto Cirilo ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6114, Lance Bombardier | 5th (AA) Battery |
Steven ReedHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6121, Private 3856  | No. 3 (Eurasian) Company |
A.M. Reis, Private | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts |
Francis William ReisHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 38534#, Private 3391  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD6 |
Alberto Luís Vieira dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10526, Private 1223 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory XD6 |
Augusto A. Remedios, Private | Unallocated HKVDC |
Augusto Mário Olderico dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10550, Private 4209  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Carlos Francisco da Luz dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10565, Corporal 3607 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts XD6 |
Eduardo Alberto Vicente dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10592, Private 1190  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.1 Taikoo Office Argyle XD6 |
Eugénio E dos Remédios, Private 3302  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 17 Vehicular Ferry XD5 |
Heitor Marcus César dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10446, Corporal 4516 | No. 3 (Eurasian) Company |
Hugo Marcus Victor dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10447, Lance Corporal 3639 | No. 3 (Eurasian) Company |
Jaime Daniel dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9623, Sergeant 1293  | Unallocated HKVDC |
João Carlos dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9616, Sergeant 2223  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Aberdeen A.G. Posts XD6 |
Jorge Augusto dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #10606, Corporal 4058  | Field Ambulance |
Jorge Frederico dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4598, Private 3125 | Field Ambulance |
José Julita Ribeiro dos RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9899, Private 3125 | Unallocated HKVDC |
LM RemédiosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9647, Private | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 17 Vehicular Ferry |
António Eduardo RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1159, Private  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Ernesto José RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1238 Private 3501  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Hugo Jesus dos Passos Teles RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2436, Private 3269 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel |
António João Rocha, Lance Bombardier | 4th Battery |
Carlos Eduardo Rocha, Gunner 3439   | 4th Battery |
Frederico António Hygino Lizola RochaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #594, Gunner 3438  | 4th Battery |
L.A. Rocha, Lance Corporal | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon |
Alberto Maria RodriguesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2853,  | Field Ambulance |
José Simão RodriguesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #11676, MBE Captain | Infantry Officers |
Lionel Maria RodriguesHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #12615 Private | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 21 Platoon HQ |
César Augusto da RosaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #15826, Lance Corporal 2179 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory XD6 |
Mário Luís da RosaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #3991, Sergeant 2463 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon |
Carlos Eduardo Rosa PereiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #14287, Private 3601 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G.2 Taikoo Club Argyle |
Álvaro António da RozaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #15058, Private 4060 | Field Ambulance |
Emmanuel D. Roza, Private 3324  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Cícero Laertius do RozarioHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #16222, Private 3612  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office XD6 |
Henrique de SáHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17556, Company Quartermaster Sergeant  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company XD6 |
Carlos Maria SantosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is possibly #18070 or #18085, Private 3642  | Field Ambulance |
Frederico José Santos, Private 2982 | Field Ambulance |
J.A. Santos, Private  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory |
Cassiano Martin José SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13407, Private 3573  | Unallocated HKVDC |
João Octávio SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13388, Lance Corporal 2091  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel |
Luís Romano SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13270, Private | No. 5 (Portuguese) Company |
Marcus Herculano de SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #13419, Private 3703  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Vicente António de SequeiraHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6148, Private 3614  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Ambrósio César da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #22530, Private 3615 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office |
Carlos Maria da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6142, Lance Corporal 1380  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts |
Eduardo José Silva, Private 2407 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel |
[Hermenegildo] Gildo Vicente da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6103, Private 2834   | Unallocated HKVDC |
H.A. Silva, Lieutenant | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company |
Leonardo José da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1208, Private 4084 | No. 5 Portuguese Machine Gun Company |
Leonel Maria Gomes da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6872, Private 3576 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Lionel António SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #8214, Private 3574 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Lionel Clemente SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #356, Private 3575  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle |
Marciano C.M. da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1036, Lance Corporal 2431  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts XD6 |
Mario Maria Silva, Lance Corporal 1089 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts |
Ricardo Domingos Silva Private 2185  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts XD6 |
Roberto Maximo da Silva Lance Corporal 2402 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office XD6 |
Roque Maria da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6159, Private 4085 | Field Ambulance |
Sebastião Rui da SilvaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #6098, Private 962 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Leslie Ernest SmirkeHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #60099, Private 2859 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Alberto Carlos SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17464, Private 2440  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club |
Carlos Eduardo SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17473, Corporal 2162  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Francisco Maria SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17475, Private  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 10 & 11 China Fleet Club |
Henrique Alvaro SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17474, Private 2717  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company Argyle |
Luís António Maria Alves de Vasconcelos SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17455, Private 2421 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts |
Mem Maria Alves de Vasconcelos SoaresHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17454, Corporal 1600  | Unallocated HKVDC |
José Tomás Placé de SousaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #18466, Sergeant 2157  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Leonardo António de SousaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #19149, Private 3679  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office XD6 |
Roberto A Sousa, Private 2840 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company RNH XD6 |
Henrique António Souza, Private 3213  | Field Ambulance |
Sylvio Sylvester SouzaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4596, Private 3577 | Unallocated HKVDC |
V.F. SouzaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #18867, Private | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 21 & 22 I. & E. Office |
A.A. Tavares, Lance Corporal | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 4 & 5 Watsons factory |
6153Carlos do Monte Carmelo Victor, Private 3621 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle |
José A. VictorHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #32354, Lance Corporal 3622 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon |
Carlos Alberto de Jesus Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1214, Corporal 1322 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 17 Vehicular Ferry XD6 |
Carlos do Monte Carmelo Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 1288#, Private 3619 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 17 Vehicular Ferry |
Eduardo Vieira Ribeiro, Private 4059 | Field Ambulance |
Francisco Vicente Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1405, Lieutenant  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company No. 22 Platoon Pay Section |
Henrique Augusto Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1045 or #1149, Private 2479  | Field Ambulance |
João Francisco Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1248, Private 3611 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company XD6 |
Lucio Maria [Vieira] RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1022, Private 3677 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts |
Luís Filipe Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1550, Private 3611  | Field Ambulance |
Luís Gonzaga Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1314, Private 4548  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Ricardo Maria Vieira RibeiroHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #1185, Private 2478  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Miguel Arcanjo Villa-CarlosHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #45140, Lance Bombardier 3811 | 4th Battery |
Joseph Nelson WilkinsonHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #44698, Gunner DR/31 | Killed on 18th December 1941 at Sai Wan AA Fort |
William RJ WilkinsonHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #17466, Private DR160 | Argyle (XD6) |
Anthony Padua XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #4014, Lance Bombardier  | ASC Unit |
André Corsino XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20625, Private 3393 | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. Posts XD6 |
António Maria XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20848 or #13277, Lance Bombardier   | 4th Battery |
Augusto F Xavier, Private | Unallocated HKVDC |
Calcotino M de P Xavier, Private 3725 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Herbert Joseph XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #9449, Private 3633  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company |
José Hilario XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #41890, Private 3640  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 7 & 8 Battle XD6 |
José Maria XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20849 or #2254, Lance Sergeant  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Louis Augusto Xavier, Lance Bombardier 4540 | Unallocated HKVDC |
Reginaldo A XavierHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #20977, Gunner 3624  | Unallocated HKVDC |
Philippe António YvanovichHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2679, Lance Corporal 3625  | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 19 & 20 Tungshan Hotel |
Vicente António YvanovichHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #2625, Private | No. 6 (Portuguese) LAA Company A.G. 12 & 13 P&O Building |
Luiz Zeferino, Private 3673 | Unallocated HKVDC |
RN |
Nicacio Francisco AndradeHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is 45595#, Telegraphist, HMS Tamar | RN |
Hermilio Maria L. LarcinaHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #23346, Signalman (XD6) | Unallocated HKRNVR |
Leonel Filomeno OsmundHis ID number in the Macanese Families website is #26878, Telegraphist, HMS Tamar | |
Mario Tavares | HKRNVR |